Sunday 19 March 2017

Granny Ravenclaw's article...

- Come on sweetie, learn your lesson.
- But grandma, I don't like the Second World War!        

-Is that so? And why that?

 -  Because Germans are mean people who killed everybody!

- Don't say that honey, germans are not monsters, just people like you and me. 

- I disagree grandma, that's not true !

- You don't believe me ? Well,  I have a little story just for you... 
I hope that you will change your mind after listening to me. 
You know that your grandmother is old, I was born in 1932, 7 years before the war. 

The anecdote takes place in 1940, a few months only after the invasion of the Germans in France. 

One morning, my dad and I cycled to the farm nearby to fetch chicks. 

On the way back I held the box with the chicks in one hand and hung on to my father with the other one. 

I sensed that my dad  began to be nervous  and deduct that we were followed by Germans. 

I don't know how, but, the chicks went out of the box, one by one. 

One of German who was following us in his side-car came down and began to run behind the chicks to collect them. 

He ran after us and gave me my chicks back. 

I was frightened to death, absolutely paralyzed. 

He  simply smiled at me  and told me to pay attentions to my small chicks. 

Then we returned  home, still shocked by this story.

You see what I mean honey? 

Germans are not killers, they just followed orders like french or english soldiers. 

They were men, husbands, fathers. 

Even if there were mean soldiers, that does'n mean that German were all bad people. 

Everybody has a soul, sweetie. Do you understand? 

-Yes, grandma, I understand. Could you make me tell my lesson, please?


  1. What a nice article Ravenclaw ! Your anecdote is really interesting, and your story is so cute !
    See you soon, -Pegasus

  2. That's a very interesting story, very moralistic about soldiers's responsibility, i love it.

  3. I really loved your article !


  4. Very nice article ! It was interesting Ravenclaw ;)
    - Chamallow

  5. I just have a little critic about this article.
    I think the second World War was be forgotten at this time... At our time the second world war was past by more 70 years... If you had 70 years to make you at the oldest age of 90 the second world war will be have 140years... Nobody will talk about that for a complete lesson at school I think...
    But the moralistic idea is awesome :D

  6. Sadly, people are always thinking like your caracter, your story was a good answer for this people

    1. Yes I agree and I Think it's very sad to think like this...

  7. Good article!!


  8. Nice article!!


  9. I absolutely loved you article ! =D I'm sorry to repeat what a lot of bloggers said already but the message about responsibility and everything is just super great !^^
    Did of the idea of doing your article about this came just like that or is there a particular reason ? (I'm kinda nosey, sorry^^')
    See you ! =D

    1. Honestly, I wasn't very inspired for this subjet so I made some research on the Second World War because I love this period and I know there are some clichés about germans soldiers and I don't know I just want to try to erase this clichés a little bit. Thank you for your comment. See you soon.

    2. Oh ok that's pretty cool that you want to erase clichés, it's a pretty good fight haha,thank you for your answer^^ I'd want to ask you why you love this period but I don't wanna disturb you haha^^'
      See you ! =)

    3. You don't disturb me at all ! I adore this period because first I shall have liked living at that time: clothes, mentalities, traditions, festivities etc.. of this time please me a lot. Furthermore, I like very much Germany, and also German soldiers ahah... but also french soldiers of course ! And it is especially this movement of resistance that is to create, this spirit of solidarity between French, young people, old men, men(people), women... I find that very beautiful and at the same time very sad such a humanity in a so horrible period as was the Second World War. I hope I answered at your interesting question. And you, do you love this period ?

    4. Oh ok it's true that it can have some kind of charm (personally I prefer the 1920's style but still I understand why you love it)^^ well yeah, you definitely answered, thank you very much ! =D and to be honest, I don't know, the atmosphere of the Second World War, especially with the mass slaughter that happened, probably wasn't that fun to live in so I don't think I'd say that I love it haha sorry but as I already said, I totally understand that you love it =)

  10. What an inspiring article ! I totally agree with your point of view on german people. This war was horrible of course, but lot of soldiers didn't have the choice. We can see that you have a particular attention for this period of History

    Inspector Flower

    1. Yes, I love this period of History. I find it so much interesting!

  11. Very good story Ravenclaw !
