Saturday 18 March 2017

First in a new series of articles...

My grandchildren asked me : « How was your life 

when you were my age ? » 

I smiled and responded : « An incredible mess, but I 

had a great times. 

Life was different then, on school days, we were 

feeling like a saturday night, listening to music, 

dancing during the break. 

I was with my best friends any time on the day, 

even in the night, we were always in touch via social 


My last year of high school was pretty cool, I met 

great people. I had my first love and also my first 

heartbreak. Sometimes I miss it, but I'm glad it's 

over. »

They were laughing : « You did party ? I can't 

imagine that, like you drinking alcohol and dancing 

that's weird ! » 

« Why ? All the things you do now, I did it 50 years 

ago. I had fun you know I was always moving all 

around, discovering things, spending holidays in 

Paris, doing shopping, and trying to be a good 

student, that didn't work that much but it was 

okay. »

« You liked school ? »

« Not so much, but I had friends that everyone 

wanted to have.

 I was living with my best friend back then, so we 

were never alone and always laughing. 

Every day we were hanging out after school, buying 

clothes and shoes, going to some bar. 

We were enjoying the freedom feeling of being a 

eighteen year old person. 

In college everything changed, I moved back to Paris  
still with my best friend, and tried to live like adults 

who pay bills at the right time, be as responsable as 

we could and still having fun. 

That was maybe one of the greatest time of my life. »

« You don't like it now ? »

« Of course I like it, but every experiences are 

different in one's life. 

You love every part but not in the same way, having 

kids and having you guys is the most beautiful thing 

that ever happened to me, because I know I 

succeeded in  something, my family. 

 But believe me, enjoy being young because time is 

running so fast you can't even see it. 

The only thing you got to remember to enjoy your 

life as much as you can is : stay youself, and have 

fun as much as you can and never have any 

regrets. »

Inspector Flower


  1. Good article yeah!


    1. Thank you yeaaaah !

      Inspector Flower

  2. I really liked your article Inspector Flower !^^ It seems like you definitely enjoyed and made the most of your life when you were young haha =D oh and I also love the last message of your article, I totally agree with you on that point^^
    See you !

    1. Thank you, that's sweet ! That's right I enjoyed parties and I still do !

      Inspector Flower

  3. Great article !


    1. Thank you Harley !

      Inspector Flower

  4. Nice story Inspector Flower ;)
    - Chamallow

    1. I'm glad you liked it !

      Inspector Flower

  5. Great article Inspector Flower, the way you talked about your youth was very touching, we can see the strong link between your friends and you.
    See you soon, -Pegasus

    1. That's so nice of you Pegasus ! You're right I think friendship is one of the most important thing in someone's life

      Inspector Flower

  6. I think it's a good life's lesson, I liked to read your artcile

    1. Thank you !

      Inspector Flower

  7. Beautiful article! We all difficults to imagine our parent's or grandparent's lifes at our age, and we have to take advantage of it a maximum because time goes so fast ...
