Friday 31 March 2017

Game! Game! Game!

What is this?

What is at stake right now about this place?
(Clue: It's in the news)

As well as Graham...

Meet other strange creatures from this Australian artist we heard about at last Tuesday's conference. 

Check the website:

Real life Sharknado?

Isn't this odd (= weird, strange)?

This happened in Australia after Cyclon Debbie, last Tuesday... and it reminds people of this film:

Wednesday 29 March 2017

Some of the British press, ladies and gentlemen...

Come on, was it that bad????

A very important day for Great-Britain...

What is this man carrying?

His name is Sir Tim Barrow, he's an ambassador, sent by Prime Minister Theresa May to Brussels to hand over the letter that will start the Brexit to European Council President Donald Tusk.

This letter will trigger article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty, 44 years after Britain joined the EU.

Theresa May signing the letter

Do you remember Graham?

Friday 24 March 2017

Don't you want to watch this?


 And didn't you sort of expect to see a zombie, at one point?...^^

Tuesday 21 March 2017

Roots and Culture is talking to her grandchildren...

Hi everybody ! I am back for the new subject which was given to us. It’s : «  You are 95 and you tell your grand-children about your life »

- « Grandma I don’t want to return to school ! » says the little girl.
- « Why honey ? You know well that going to school is very important for your future, so that you find a good job which makes you earn enough money to live ! » answered the grandmother.

- « I have no friends, the other pupils are nasty with me and offend me and push me aside mell day long. »

- «  Why have you never told us about it, you know that it’s very dangerous? » answers the grandmother very irritated. 

- « I was afraid of talking about it » answered  the girl shyly.

- «  I’m going to tell you what happened to me at the same age than you, when I was a child, I had a problem of set of teeth for which I had to be operated rather quickly. 

The pupils began to give myself several nicknames like «rat » or « beaver ». 

At the beginning it was only mockeries, on my physical appearance, the way I got dressed. 
But over time, in the course of the months, the pupils became more and more violent.
 I said nothing, I endured the blows of others. 
My mental and physical health degraded more and more. 

But as I said nothing, my aggressors continued and became more and more numerous. 
My marks in class began  to fall and I thought even about committing suicide...

One day, I didn’t want to live any more this horrible life, I decided to write a letter to my parents and to explain them my situation. 
A few days later I was to see the police to lodge complaint again about these problems. So honey, please you're going to speak about it to your parents all right ?

- «  Yes grandma, I’m going to speak to them about it, thank you for having told me your story » answered the girl more motivated than ever.

Monday 20 March 2017

Granny Maddie's article...

You tell me that you will go to a pool party ?


For what ? 

Just drink and smoke all this precious time. 

I think you're reckless about them like it was the last day of my life. 
It makes me think of a story that I would like to tell you. 

I was sixteen and had a crush with the most beautiful guy of my high school (a gorgeous brown haired guy  with blue eyes and quite tall) but I was too shy to hit him. 

It was the time of Summer parties and the biggest Party of the Year was coming. 

I expected to see him at this party but my dream was more than true because with a beautiful poem he invited me to this party.

Arrived at Tina McGoan's villa on the Coast I saw my best ennemy Dolly Johnson, such a pest. 

I think we were ennemies because we were in love with the same guy. 

And secretly I expected to crush her that night. 
The party had just started and she hit him like a leech. 

She was pathetic but she didn't know that I was smarter than her. 

So I weaved in and out until the bar and ordered a big cocktail with pinapple in it. 

Yes I was a pest too. 

I came closer to them in dancing as if I was pissed. And my delicious cocktail «unfortunatly» fell on her wonderful hair at the same timeI ended up in my crush's arms. 

Dolly quickly runned to the toilet with her hair drenched with cocktail and pieces of 
 So after having fun during two hours in Tina's Mother's pool with half the people of Beverly Hills. 

The cops (called by Dolly the Pest who wanted to ruin the Party) knocked at the door to drag us off. 

Luckily my crush had a car so I jumped in it with him and Tina, and one other girl that we didn't know at all. 

Jamy, a real partygoer also took his car and followed us to flee the cops but Dolly the Pest succeeded to jump in his car too. Crap !


We decided to go on the city hills to end the party on a high note. 

He stopped his car when we arrived a bit more higher than the Hollywood sign. 

We went out of the car and admired the beautiful view of Beverly Hills by night. 

The hundred of shop lights lined the streets and colored the blacks shapes of Beverly Hills. 

Suddenly we caught sight of a big luminous beam which got closer very fast to us. 

That was Jamy who was pissed and wasn't able to drive on a road and crashed his car on a tree near the road. 

Him and Dolly succeeded to get out and kindle the rest of his car wreck. 

The fire seemed to touch the sky as if it would set ablaze. 

Dolly took advantage of this event to be consoled by my Love. 

I was furious and I decided to play a trick on this little pest. 

I succeded to steal her shoes and threw them at the bottom of the Hill. 

Tina agreed with my act and kept Dolly busy while  I tried to convince my crush and Jamy to go to the beach.


We jumped quickly on his car and Tina jumped too leaving Dolly-the-pest alone and barefoot on the road. 

At last I could enjoy  the rest of the day with Johnny. The man of my life, your grand-father. 

That was our first date the most beautiful day of my life full of love since I kissed him for the first time 79 years ago on that beach.