Wednesday 6 June 2012

Interviews with Bilingual pupils - part One

The first interview was conducted by Gaëlle:      
I interviewed a girl, from my school, whose mother is American.

What languages do you speak?
I speak french and english and little bit german

 How long have you been speaking two languages?
 It's since I was a child that I've known how to speak.

Who in your family speaks english? . Everyone!

Were you born in France or elsewhere? . I was born in France.

What nationality do you have?
.American et French.

Is there something in your family's country of origin that you would like to have or find in France?

 Oh yeah! I would like to eat a cheese-steak here! It's a sandwich with meat, cheese, onions and it's hot.

Did you suffer when you were little speaking English?
No, not at all

Do you sometimes mistake English and French when you speak?
No, only when I was in pre-school.

Do you feel proud when you speak English?

No, not really because its normal for me

Don't you think that sometimes the teachers ask you more than the others?

Oh yes, I think so! They should be regular with everyone.

Would you like to live in your parents' native country? Do you intend to live there one day?

Yes, I will probaly live in America one day.

Are you going to use English in your studies and future job?

Uhh ... maybe...!

What are the drawbacks of speaking English?

Everyone asks you how to say this? How to say that?

Do you feel different from other pupils?
No, just in English.

Thank you Julia for your cooperation!

1 comment:

  1. My goal would be to also become bilingual for my future work !

