Thursday 7 June 2012

Now you can read AND listen to an interview on this blog!!!!

Last Tuesday, Nana, Jade, Cockatoo, Destiny and Fafa interviewed Claire, a bilingual student in our school. We asked her some questions about her culture and differences between her country and ours.
Here you'll find the recording (well done Destiny!):


and below, the transcription:

What languages do you speak ?I speak French and English.
How long have you been speaking two languages ?Hum...every since I was little.
• Who in your family speaks English ?Everyone except for my relatives that live in France.
Were you born in France or elsewhere ?
I was born in America.
Where exactly ?Orlando, Florida.
What nationality do you have ? I have two nationalities so, I have the French nationality and the American nationality. So, I'm both.
Is there something in your family's country of origin that you would like to have or find in France ? Oh, yeah, lots of things. Just like there are lots of French things I would love to find in America .
Did you suffer when you were little speaking English ?
Hum, no I did have some learning problems but that was more about me and after my language.
Do you sometimes mistake English and French when you speak ?
Yeah, that happens me a lot. When I was little I was explaining a game to my cousins who are french and I went thought an entire complex explanation of the game only to realize at the end that I was talking in English!!!
Do you feel proud when you speak English ?,no. I just feel like I'm talking! (laughs)
. • Don't you think that sometimes the teachers ask you more than the others ?
It depends on teachers, generally I think they kind of …......... my mood, to see whether to call on me, or not, but usually they just let me do my thing and be involved when I want to be involved.
• Would you like to live in your parent's native country ? Do you intend to live there one day ? Well, I'm living there but I don't intend spend the rest of my life. So I wanna travel and not seller down too much.
• Are you going to use English in your studies and future job ? • I have no idea but I hope so, I really hope.
• What are the drawbacks of speaking English ? I can't really think of any, you know, other their not bring able to go to countries that don't like America.
Do you feel different from other pupils ?Hum, it depends. I mean it's definitely kind of different to have two different cultures. See both sides and see what's good and what's bad, that other people don't necessarily see.

Thank you Claire for your cooperation.


  1. That's nice we can listen to!

  2. How difficult it was! But it was really interesting to translate what Claire said.

