Tuesday 19 June 2012

Another interview, by our very own Jules (who's also bilingual...when she wants!)

On May 29th 2012, I've interviewed Margot W.

I asked her a few question about her second language speaking which is english .

Since she were born Margot speaks french and english so she is bilingual. In her family her mother and father speaks english, her father comes from South-Africa whereas her mother comes from France.

For nationality, Margot has the French one but she would like to have the south-african one too. She expected to do it later when she will be older.

(and this, pupils, is the South African flag!- Mrs P.)

After asking her questions about her origins, I asked her questions about her childhood.

Margot didn't suffer during her childhood speaking two languages.

She has now a very good accent and a lot of vocabulary but sometimes and even more now, she looks for her words but it's normal when you don't speak a language everyday.

To finish my interview, I wanted to know what impression Margot had about being bilingual at school so I asked her if the english teachers wanted her to do more than the other pupils. After asking her this question, she looked at me, laughted and replied that it is sometimes true that the teachers want more results from a bilingual person because it is more easier for this person in this subject.

Later, when Margot will be older, she may go live in South-Africa for a year or two just to see how life is other there but she doesn't want to spend her all life there.

Margot is a 16 bilingual girl who speaks very well english and she is proud of it .

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