Tuesday 19 June 2012

Another interview, by Guiz18

On the last Tuesday, May 29, 2012 in our High School , we interviewed bilinguals students from the school.

          Among these students there are English, American and South African people. They are in Fourth, Fifth and Sixth form. They all have english speaking parents.

So we asked them some questions like : " Did you suffer when you were little speaking English ? "

and they answered us : " Yeah, when French people laugh, when you don't know a word in English. "

They think that they'll probably use this advantage for their future when we asked them it : " Are you going to use English in your studies and future job ? "

I hope they realize that this is a real chance for them.

It would even seem that speaking two languages fluently would be good for memory.

The majority of students we interviewed felt more French than English, American or South African.

And when we asked them on the question of what is missing in France they replied with a laugh " Pork pies "

To finish, I think they will succeed in life by exploiting what nature has given them even if today we can learn to speak English.

             (they're right, pork pies are delicious! Mrs P.)

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