Sunday 6 May 2012

My school, by Jules

Well, I will be honest, I don't like that much my school. I don't think it is pretty to look, it is still not that ugly, but I will admit that it is only a school .
 Schools don't have to be beautiful, you only have to learn there and meet people.

Still, there are some parts of my school that I like .

First of all, the teachers well, some of them are good teacher I think. And I will add, of course it's only my though, but if you have good teachers, the lessons will be more interesting even if you don't like the speciality.

I will talk now about this new association called "MDL", it was a very good idea from pupils to do this and to take care of it.
 When we, students have our breaks at 10 am and 3 pm, we can go and buy for example coffee, tea, or sweet things. We have to pay to have what we ask but the money is used for example to do travels that teachers organises.

I will finish my article with one of the lasts thinks I like about my school.
Exhibitions from the students who have taken the art speciality, are really
interesting and impressive sometimes and it gives high school life.

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