Friday 20 April 2012

"My school, what I like about it", by Agie

One of the things that I like the most at school is when I haven’t class and when I can be with some friends.

If the weather allows us to do that, we like sitting on the grass outside in front of the high school.
We can relax : we talk, laugh, we listen to music, play cards and sometimes we lay down.
That’s really pleasant because we have fun and we can during a moment « forget » that we are at school.

The subjects that I appreciate are espacially the foreign languages.
However, I also like history but not all the themes. But I don’t really have a gift for geography because I’m not so interested.
I’ve never really thought of what I like or don ‘t like about my school. But even if sometimes I complain of the school or of the food in the self, I’m happy to be in that school and to have met all of my friends.

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