Monday 9 April 2012

"My school, what I like about it" by Cockatoo

I am in 1ere L in my High School.

I'm a boarder and I like going out with my friends on  wednesday afternoons.

At school, I like French, English, Spanish, Extra English and English Literature but I don't like very much Biology.

We study a lot of interesting things.

In my timetable, I have differents subjects like: History, French, English, Spanish, Extra English, Physical Education, English Literature, Biology, Sciences and Literature.

My timetable is not very good because I start the lessons at 8:10 am everyday and finish school at 6:00 pm on Friday.

Then, in the self the food is quite good but there is not enough to eat.

I'm happy because this year I don't have Mathematics, a subject I hate!

by Cockatoo

And you reader, what do you like in your High School?

Mrs P.


  1. I like nothing.

  2. I'm sure there are things you like, Anonymous, but you're too shy to admit it!

  3. That right for the self food :(
    This year I like philosophy very much ! Next year we will had our bac and when we left the high school we will be sad because the high school miss us and we will remember with joy :)

    A friend of Cockatoo :D

  4. Mathematics, biology ... I undertand completely.
    Now, the final year of High School. Objective bac.

    A other friend of Cockatoo ;)

  5. I choosed L because I hate matematics!
