Thursday 10 May 2012

My school, by Guiz18

To begin, my high school is located in a suburb called "les gibjoncs" where about 1000 students study each day. It is a large institution made of a boarding school of 240 students. What I like in this school is that there is a great outdoor area with many trees. It's really nice when the weather like right now.
But the two things I enjoy most are the boarding school and my friends. Indeed, the internal comes on Monday morning and only clear on Friday night. Every night, we end up between friends at the boarding unlike students who go home every day.
Unfortunately there’s not just the boarding school and its advantages because the days of the course are included. While almost all courses are tiresome for students there are a few subjects that remain interesting because not boring. I think about English and physical education for example.
Despite these ups and downs during the day it's still the good times that will be remembered and we certainly regret being adult.


  1. I don't agree with everything but it's a good article !

  2. I think we have to profit from our highschool years!

  3. I agree with you, I'm in the boarding school like you and I like being with my friends after class.

