Tuesday 29 May 2012

comparaison between my former school and the new one, by Gaëlle.

The decision to transfer to a new school was personal and mine. It was based on a variety of reasons. I was looking for a change in instructional focus, program options, a new school theme, a different principal or just more convenient skyline. I have got more opportunities now than ever before. I live in france, I meet new interesting people, I study french litterature and my french is gonna be more and more beter.

My last school was maybe an european school where all the lessons where teaching in french and german but the german language was more present and thats why it sucks ! I love the school where I am now for three main reasons.
Firstly, they have a very good library. Its maybe small, but they have got very good books.Unlike my former school which had a big library with old, out-of-date books, my current school has both old and new books.
The second reason why I love my school is because I can play rugby there. Its true that the german take more part in sport activies at school than the french but they dont play rugby. I now have rugby lessons, so I have become quite good. It is plenty of fun too.
The Third reason I love my actually school is because my teachers are very good. They treat us well and they are very helpful. They always make sure that they come to teach us. They are always on time and always friendly to us. Maybe not all of them, but the majority. Finaly, I would like to say the each school has got their inconvients and advantages

                              Sophie-Scholl-Schule -berlin-The former school

                                 Lycée Alain-Fournier – Bourges-the new school


Thank you very much Gaëlle, for sharing this with us.

Mrs P.


  1. Your last school is looking very geometric : good architectur , more beautiful than our school! but I think that we are more funny in A.F than your last school!! The furious skyline

  2. So you speak Frensh, german and english?

    1. Technically, that's being trilingual!

    2. Yes, but i didn't know if "trilingual" it's a good words!

  3. this should be good to talk with another person nana

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. This architecture reminds me to a psychiatric. Don't you think ?

    1. I'm agree with you Guigz18 !

  6. Yeah our highschool is... well... w..on..der..ful....

    That's why you're aaaalways here in class right ?
    I suggest you to tatoo our schoolname on your chest.


