Tuesday 7 February 2017

Today we went to the cinema...

To watch Birth of a Nation, by Nat Turner.

What did you think of the film?


  1. I thought it was a really good movie and that it was really interesting but also really sad and heart wrenching !
    I liked this one, -Pegasus

  2. Very good film! very touching, emotional because of all the violence... maybe a little too much for young or sensitive people ... But the sets was pretty good.

  3. It was so saaaad but sadly it was the reality... I just thought that the violent's scenes was too much long but it's a very beautiful film

  4. I loved this movie because its so realistic and sad

  5. That was a great movie ! A little bit sad but really great. I cried at the end and I think that Fenrir too ?! Don't you Fenrir ?


  6. It was a very beautiful film... So sad :'(
    - Chamallow

  7. An awsome film seriously !
    This film give an other view of segregation and make sometimes crying a lot ! Hahaha

  8. Such a powerfull film. I prais those who have the corage to create fims that show the reality of things. It's unimaginable that humains could do those things to others. Some secens were hard to watch but it was the truth. We are so lucky to live in a century were we can live freely and allthough it's still not perfect, we should be gratfull. Thank you Mrs Papy for taking us to see a beautiful film.

  9. I loved this movie. I had a lot of emotions. Both sad and very beautiful story. Remember that this film is inspired in fact real...

  10. this film was amazing, i loved it !
    even if sometimes, few scene are shocking, it show us the cruelty of this time
    (ps:I agree to go see another film during the year ;) )

  11. This movie was very well. The theme of this one was very interesting but mostly very touching. He affected me a lot ..
    I cried during all the movie.
    I believe that I am going to recommend it to my sister.

  12. I found the movie very interesting : we must know what happened during the slavery, to open ours eyes! I find this subjet very important, is touching me so much (Roots&Culture, Inspector Flower and Ravenclaw saw that). It was hard but very interesting!


  13. This film reinforced my opinion about Slavery. And my awareness is passed by those movies like "mississipi burning" or "the Help". We had to be aware of our freedom and that Slavery and Racial Segregation are the Worst genocide of all Times. Maybe the Worst because it lasted for three centuries and had caused milions of deaths every years, everyday, every hours of those horrible centuries, without count the undreds of humans who was hanged like Nat. Just because they wanted to be "FREE"...
