Tuesday 7 February 2017

Reese's super power...

Reese is back ! Hello everyone,

Today I’ll talk to you about a secret dream…

 If I had a power for just one day, I would like to see my dream. I think we miss our dreams and it could be so cool to realize what we think about during the night when we sleep.

I imagine I could direct a movie with all the dreams we had
Maybe I could discover a new hobby or the dark side of our brain… 
I could see terrible things because sometimes, during our dreams we just imagine the worst things possible.

I have so many questions about my dreams : How many time do they last ? 

Are they realistic or totally abstract ? 

Do my dreams represent what I want in my life ?

Maybe if I dream about someone I love, it could make me sad.

For example, when someone dies and I dream about this person, I could remember the happy moments, but also the worst…

Finally, I think I don't want this power for all my life, I just want to try for some days because I think it's good and mysterious to keep the secret of our dreams.


  1. Good article! I completely agree with you. I'd like to see so many dreams, and I'd like to see them come back. (Especially that of last night lol.)
    It would be so good to be able to modify them to make them better. In any case, you would have had a very good super power

    1. Oh it's a good idea the power to change our dreams !
      Thanks you Bumper :)

  2. Hello Reese !
    I found your article very interesting and I like the power that you chose. I found it original, and sometimes I would like to have this power in order to relive the travels or the good moments that I do in my dreams.


    1. Hello Minimalist, thanks you very much, have a good night ;)

  3. That's a very philosopical power and Descartes should like it 😉. Dreams are sometimes the best places where I ever be but also the worth...

    1. Haha philosophy is everywhere ! Yes that's why I a good power but only for one day I think

  4. Very good article, dreams are very interesting, and often i don't remember, it's frustrating ...

  5. Great article ! I totally agree with you because when we sleep we often make amazing dream and forget it, it's pity.


  6. Its very interresting and specialy power ... I love this idea ! Great way to think

  7. your dream is full of originality ! I didn't think about this but this is effectively interesting and i'd like to try it too! yse

    1. It was not easy to say lot of thing about that but thanks you ;)

  8. Very interesting article. Great!
    - Chamallow

  9. I really wa&nt to see my dreams too !
    A giant world with infinite posibilities of creation !

    Just like in the film "inception"

    1. oH Yes, I didn't think about this film but it's a good link to my power, I agree

  10. I loooove your super power ! he is really interresting ! Great article !

  11. oh it's a great super power, i never remember my dreams and it could be so useful. Good article

    1. Never ? Haha sometimes they are strange !

  12. Your power is great, even if after our philosophy lessons and Freud I'm not really sure if I want to know the meaning of my dreams or not ahah !
    See you soon Reese,
    Love, -Pegasus <3
