Tuesday 8 December 2015

Blondy's travels in time...

Dear readers,

Have you already dreamt of living in another time? Have you already thought how to live without the internet, television and without bloging on Lafingoutloudinenglish? [Unbearable thought  Mrs P.]

Some people are thinking that it
was difficult and sad to live with only simple things like playing with our friends or our family.

I'm sure that the past living was better than now because nowadays, the new technologies have
taken the power.

My purpose in writing this article is to convince you that living in another time
was great and that we haven't to spend all our time in the new technologies.

I hope that one day, we
can disguise ourselves and  wear typical clothes from a period of the past. It will be funny to see
many vintage clothes. Besides, the fashion evolves and becomes like in the past.
That's why I have
chosen to travel with you throughout the 20's because it was a crazy period with new arts.
We have
so many things to discover and to love.

Are you ready to travel back in time with Blondy!?

So, enjoy your trip!

After the first World War, the world felt free.
Many things were developed. Besides, some countries
gave a name to describe the 20's: the "Roaring Twenties" for the USA, the "Goldene Zwanziger" for
 Germany, the "années folles" for  France and the "Happy Twenties" for  Great Britain.
the USA became earlier the leader of this movement. That also proved its superiority.

So, I want to describe the evolution of the 20's and especially the development of Arts and of

First, people lived in a period of economic's prosperity thanks to the Taylorism and the Fordism
which created real jobs.

Workers could be payed and could buy a car like the Ford T.
That's why, the
American Way of life influenced many countries.
The 20's were marked by the USA's urbanization.

Residential area were built and americans liked this comfort.

In fact, The French too bought
household electrical appliance thanks, for example, to the creation of the Salon des appareils
ménagers in 1923.
People were witness of the consumption society and influenced by the
advertising's power.

The USA's urbanization changed the landscape: skyscrapers were built. More over, New York was
revealed during this time and I love that because I think it is one of the most beautiful city of the

During the "Roaring Twenties", it was also the beginning of Hollywood which was the place of the
film industry.

Indeed, famous production society were created like Paramount, Warner Brothers,
United Artists...

But if I can travel back in time, I would like to meet the famous director and actor Charlie Chaplin.

I love his movie and especially Modern Times which is my favourite because without any words
and thanks to his humour and the music, he managed to express real trouble.

Besides, when I see an image of him, I take a photos because I am admiring of his work.

To my mind, he was a real artist and he paid homage to the cinema.

Then, the sculpture is also revealed on the Mount Rushmore National Memorial in the South
Dakota in the USA where USA's fathers (Georges Washington and Abraham Lincoln joined after by
Theodore Roosevelt and Thomas Jefferson) were sculpted by Gutzon Borglum.

But my favourite art remains the dance which was developed during the 20's. It was the time of
charleston, black botton, lindy, jazz, blues, ragtime, spiritual Gospel and swing which were
influenced by American's culture.

Louis Armstrong became famous and paid homage to black slaves' songs.

The one step and the cake-walk drove  France.
The anglicism flourished thanks to the one-step
and the fox-trot during the receptions, the dinners, the parties...
Paris created music-halls like the
Moulin Rouge, the Folies B ergère and the Casino de Paris where the black dancer Josephine Baker
fought against Mistinguett who was a lead dancer and who imported the Tango.


Others star like Flossie Mills and Sydney Bechet took example of the Broadway's stars.
became real icons and of course famous.

This need of moving is reflected also in the cubism, the surrealism and the dadaism.

Finally, I have chosen this period for the fashion's impact.
Indeed, the French woman reavealed her
beauty and her style.
After wearing black clothes during the war, she was allowed to wear designer
Women discovered make up and took care of their hair.
More over, women were allowed to
practise some sports like tennis, golf...

That's why they created sports clothes.

After wearing many corsets, they could sew sheath dress which highlighted their silhouette.

body's perfection was searched. The fashion was really important in women's life.

The 20's revealed a new woman who was asserting herself.
That's why we could see the "Flapper"
in the USA who was "la garçonne" in France.
In fact, the woman was short-haired. This reflection could be in the famous american dancer and actress Louise Brooks.
Women were wearing bows
ties, men jackets, shift dresses and could smoke.


Paris, the city of light, became the capital of the fashion.
If I can travel back in time and live an
event, I would like to be at the first fashion show of Coco Chanel.
Indeed, the French style was
represented there and also in the newspaper kiosk. Others fashion designer became famous like
Lanvin and Jean Patou but if I have the choice, I would like to meet Coco Chanel.

Her elegance, her french touch are a model for me because I love FASHION even if some people
are thinking that it's not important, it's superficial.
They don't understand why I'm interested in
To my mind, the fashion is an art who can reveals personality that's why I like the 20's.
But unfortunately, at the end of the 20's, in 1929, the world was undergoing the economic crisis.

                 BY BLONDY


  1. I'm disappointed because there aren't my photos :(

    By Blondy

  2. I'm quite interested in fashion history or how people lived in past time but I don't think it was "better" because it was very hard to do certain things, or to cure other, etc...

    1. I agree with you but I think it will be interesting to past just one day in past time!

      By Blondy

  3. "More over, women were allowed to
    practise some sports like tennis, golf...

    That's why they created sports clothes."
    I love that fact ! And I especially really love tennis clothes, they looook sooooooo great

    1. Thank you! You are very attentive to the small details of the article.

      By Blondy

  4. Charlie Chaplin and Louis Armstrong are amazing men !
    You've done a lot of researches am I right ? I'm saying this bc there is a huge content

  5. mother's blondy say you are a fantastic girl. Your article is very goog and i think to have the nostalgie by the "passé" Josephine BAKER la star it's very interressant bravo you are the best lydie

  6. Very interesting, even though the 20s were not my favourite period (as if I'd ever lived then...)

    1. Thank you for coming reading this blog!

      By Blondy

  7. this article is very interesting

  8. Every time(period) has its novelties, but it is necessary ledge with her time

    1. I agree with you! But who are you?

      By Blondy

  9. I have not had the luck to live at that time. But your article allowed me to discover more , thank you :)

  10. It's nice , this article is a good job.
    Serge and Malaury.


  12. hello- very interesting article- charlie chaplin the star.

  13. good article- the Charleston is one favorite dance for me

    1. I prefer contemporary or classic dancing!

      By Blondy

  14. You article is very interesting , I like also this period

  15. Very interesting, I love all kinds of dance but I do not practice !


  16. Your article is very interesting ! I like it!
