Saturday 12 December 2015



  1. Sometimes people have a hard time

  2. To all the pupils,

    You know (*cowboy voice*)...Back in my time, it wasn't that easy. Yeah... We had to fight with people to get comments, to pay them, with supplies, money, and homework. And with all that, we could barely get 3 comments. But that was enough, 'cause tough guys like us could manage with few comments. Ha! Don't worry kiddo, nobody ask you to do what we one of you're forefather, I've actually worked body and soul to make things easy for you today. (*end of cowboy voice*)

    Haaaa ! Just kidding ! We all wanted good marks, so we were posting comments anyway.

    Mrs P., ! So good to see that this blog is still alive and that students are so involved.

    Anyway, for once Mrs P., I'm challenging you ... Can you guess who I am ?

    Clues: Pope & drool

    See you soon ! Oh, and, (to say something related to this post: Harvey is a good fellow...)

    1. Love the cowboy voice, man. An old student? I see that you had the same goal as all of us. Getting good marks, yay!

    2. I hope Mrs P will guess who you are!

      By Blondy

    3. Haha ! Sorry for the late reply ! I actually commented earlier, but it seems that it didn't work.

      Ok more clues: I said "drool" but to be more precise, i should say "slime".
      And I'm from the promotion of 2013 !

    4. Oh my!!!! Holy Snail!!!! I'm just back from the Indian restaurant in town!^^ Nice to hear from you!

    5. Yes Mrs P., you're a winner ! That's me ^^
      Hahaha, that's fate. Hope it was good...
      Hope you're having nice holidays, and wish you an happy new year in advance... :)

      Holysnail (it feels good to sign again :p)

  3. Thanks, the music is stuck in my head

  4. so funny -Pradel
