Monday 6 April 2015

Our current series of articles about advice on high school years is still on!

Hello guys, this article is dedicated to future pupils who will come in our high school. 

As you can see we have been for 3 years in this high school and we could be able to give some advice to them.
Fisrt of all I want to say that High school is totally different from secondary school. 
You won't be followed by your professor like you were before.

I think that it's a good point you will be freer than you were before.

Indeed, at middle school you can't go out whenever you want because they watch you out when you haven't class. 
For sure, when you have lessons, you must go in class: if you don't, it doesn't make any sense to be at secondary school, you are here to learn not to do nothing.

You must understand that it is important to listen and go in class, having good marks, to take in the superior class and do what you want after school. 
I am saying that because a lot of people understand too late that lessons are important.

I want to say to you as well to enjoy your first year, beacuse you have to work but not like the other years, you don't have to don't care you have to work and develop interests for your lessons, but it will be easier than the other years.

You have to be respecful with the others and with yourself (don't wear some things which are so provocating for a girl for example ).
You don't have to be perfect, but respectful is the first point.
I think that there is no really many pieces of advice to say to you, except respecting yourself, respecting the others, and you won't have problems.
Listen in class, be what you are, don't do anything crazy. I think that's all I wanted to say, take care of you, see you later

Teddy Bear


  1. Your article is nice ! :)

  2. I found the first year harder than others ^^ good article :)

  3. Good article!


  4. Your article is very good ! You said everything !

  5. I really like your article :)

