Monday 13 April 2015

Cam's advice on high school life....

My professor asked me to give you some advice to prepare yourself for future high school students! Well I warn you that it is rather ... COOL and HARD !

To start, you must know that high school is not easy.

One has to take autonomy, work independently and not rely on their parents to help out! 

The high school prepares you to superior studies with several stages. 

The first one is the 2nde  that teaches you to fend and shows the clear change between secondary school and high school. 

This is a difficult step to take but which gives you maturity.

The second stage is the 1ère, which, where you prepare the exam called Baccalaureat..

This is the first stage of preparation for the Terminale end examination. 

The rigor is the key word of this decisive year that teaches you the basis for the year after.

Première  is probably the most stressful, because the examination approaches and this year goes very very fast. 

You must learn to be independent, rigorous, hardworking, and set a goal: that of passing your BAC.

However, the high school is not just work! 

It is in high school that true friendships are created, you begin the real partys with friends. 

You also acquire a  freedom through the breaks between courses you can have.

 That's the thing that I most prefered for my part. 

Professors are also much more lenient because they see us less like children or teenagers, we are young adults.

What I can tell you is that when you are in secondary school you want to go to high school and when you're there you want to go back to secondary school!

You happy at the beginning and after you're in a hurry to leave.

Don't be in a hurry and enjoy it!


  1. great article! you are all right!

  2. Enjoy high school years ! good article :)

  3. Good articles, I must admit that the exams are stressful

