Sunday 12 April 2015

Advice on high school, by Carter...

This new series of article is about advice for the new pupils in high school.

I chose to give advice in the form of rules, I will give advice by numbers.


1)    Never forget to do your homework ( Do not do like me, I always do them at the last minute)

2)   Never be late ( or at least try ).

3)   If you are in English class  with Mrs P., it’s necessary to go on the blog and send coms !

4)   I am not the best person to say that but, being focused and a bit silencious in class is important even if it’s difficult or boring ( necessary in philosophy ).

5)   It can appear stupid but it’s necessary to think of often buying meals on the canteen card.

I have not other ideas, or just some like be polite; listen to the teachers; try to have the best marks, but it’s logic and useless to say.
For me, the best advice will be, do your best and enjoy your high school life !



  1. Owh your advices are so ironic ! ^^


  2. The 4th one made me laugh... I agree about philosophy!
    Good advices!

  3. I agree with your last sentence, " do your best " it is the best thing you can do !

    Teddy Bear

  4. I'm like you about the homeworks !
    Kiwi~ #OneOfTheMostStupidName

  5. It's funny because all the advices aren't qualifing you :D

