Thursday 31 December 2015

Happy new Year!


                    Quand il ne reste plus qu’une minute de cours, que les mômes ont terminé toutes leurs activités, et que j’attends désespérément que ça sonne.

May 2016 bring you happiness and success!

Nour's article, before the New Year...

If could travel back in time I would like to live in 50's or 60's in America because I really love this epoch.

It was a beautiful period and I think it is a different atmosphere now.

I don't know why but I think that everything was most beautiful and carefree.

People danced, people laughed !


There were not the same problems as today.


Women were dressed in a skirt or dress and were always well-groomed.


They were graceful and elegant


Men wore suits:


I love the  fashion of that time: I think it's very beautiful.


There were nice cars:



I love the interior design of bars, there were jukebox to listen to music.

Women of this period didn't work .


They stayed at home all day to look after the children or the house.


They were housewives, we can see it on advertising.


If I were born at this time I'm sure that I would want to work because it's important.


The movie Grease sums up everything I love about this time








Wednesday 30 December 2015

And we're back with time travel articles!

 I had a dream: If I could return back in time I would go in America during the segregation to live with Martin Luther King and other black leaders like Rosa Parks or Malcolm X, listen to their speeches, talk and learn with them about the situation and  their ideals for the future. 

I will not tell them they’re going to win their fight because if I do this they will not have the same motivation I think so I’ll just follow them in their everyday life to watch what made those persons become leaders and icons and live the birth of the Black Power movement (1966-1975) in America. 

I also would like to go to the Olympics games of Mexico in 1968 when the two black athletes, Tommie Smith and John Carlos, made the black power’s sign during the national anthem after winning the 200m run. if I was in the stadium at this moment I think I’d jump on the track and go shake hands with them despite the fact they were excluded from the Olympics games after this act. 

After having done all these things, felt all the privations and sufferings that they endured :the oppression of the policemen, to go to school or in the same places than the whites, the same toilets, the same buses, the same zoo  to be considered like the white people I would be very proud to be a half-blood person.

