Friday 12 December 2014


Today, we're going to the theatre!

Once again, after Macbeth (last year) and Mr Reinfield and Dracula (in 2012).

The plot?

The Hound of the Baskervilles opens with a mini mystery—Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson speculate on the identity of the owner of a cane that has been left in their office by an unknown visitor. 
Wowing Watson with his fabulous powers of observation, Holmes predicts the appearance of James Mortimer, owner of the found object and a convenient entrée into the baffling curse of the Baskervilles.

Entering the office and unveiling an 18th century manuscript, Mortimer recounts the myth of the lecherous Hugo Baskerville.
 Hugo captured and imprisoned a young country lass at his estate in Devonshire, only to fall victim to a marauding hound of hell as he pursued her along the lonesome moors late one night. 
Ever since, Mortimer reports, the Baskerville line has been plagued by a mysterious and supernatural black hound. 
The recent death of Sir Charles Baskerville has rekindled suspicions and fears.
 The next of kin, the duo finds out, has arrived in London to take up his post at Baskerville Hall, but he has already been intimidated by an anonymous note of warning and, strangely enough, the theft of a shoe.
Agreeing to take the case, Holmes and Watson quickly discover that Sir Henry Baskerville is being trailed in London by a mysterious bearded stranger, and they speculate as to whether the ghost be friend or foe. 
Holmes, however, announces that he is too busy in London to accompany Mortimer and Sir Henry to Devonshire to get to the bottom of the case, and he sends Dr. Watson to be his eyes and ears, insisting that he report back regularly.

Once in Devonshire, Watson discovers a state of emergency, with armed guards on the watch for an escaped convict roaming the moors. He meets potential suspects in Mr. Barrymore and Mrs. Barrymore, the domestic help, and Mr. Jack Stapleton and his sister Beryl, Baskerville neighbors.

A series of mysteries arrive in rapid succession: Barrymore is caught skulking around the mansion at night; Watson spies a lonely figure keeping watch over the moors; and the doctor hears what sounds like a dog's howling. Beryl Stapleton provides an enigmatic warning and Watson learns of a secret encounter between Sir Charles and a local woman named Laura Lyons on the night of his death.

Doing his best to unravel these threads of the mystery, Watson discovers that Barrymore's nightly jaunts are just his attempt to aid the escaped con, who turns out to be Mrs. Barrymore's brother. 
The doctor interviews Laura Lyons to assess her involvement, and discovers that the lonely figure surveying the moors is none other than Sherlock Holmes himself.
 It takes Holmes—hidden so as not to tip off the villain as to his involvement—to piece together the mystery.
Mr. Stapleton, Holmes has discovered, is actually in line to inherit the Baskerville fortune, and as such is the prime suspect. 
Laura Lyons was only a pawn in Stapleton's game, a Baskerville beneficiary whom Stapleton convinced to request and then miss a late night appointment with Sir Charles. Having lured Charles onto the moors, Stapleton released his ferocious pet pooch, which frightened the superstitious nobleman and caused a heart attack.

In a dramatic final scene, Holmes and Watson use the younger Baskerville as bait to catch Stapleton red-handed. 
After a late supper at the Stapletons', Sir Henry heads home across the moors, only to be waylaid by the enormous Stapleton pet. 
Despite a dense fog, Holmes and Watson are able to subdue the beast, and Stapleton, in his panicked flight from the scene, drowns in a marshland on the moors. Beryl Stapleton, who turns out to be Jack's harried wife and not his sister, is discovered tied up in his house, having refused to participate in his dastardly scheme.

Back in London, Holmes ties up the loose ends, announcing that the stolen shoe was used to give the hound Henry's scent, and that mysterious warning note came from Beryl Stapleton, whose philandering husband had denied their marriage so as to seduce and use Laura Lyons. Watson files the case closed.

(from  Sparknotes)

Sunday 7 December 2014

Game! Game! Game!

This is Lapso, Daffy Duck's dog.

Lapso has supplanted T-Rexes as this blog's mascot (private joke to former readers!)...
So use its photo to imagine it in a situation related to English speaking or blogging (before January)!

The best one wins! (there will be a vote!)


Friday 5 December 2014


Paperplane's 2nd article: her plans...

Hi everyone! 
This is my turn to speak about my plan for the future and the only thing I am sure is that I want to join an art section.
I wish I could join the best graphic design school of France which is in Paris. 
People are selected in with a selective exam and as you can guess only a small number of people are retained. 
Then, what is sure for me is that I will start soon the tattoo training (as some of you guys know).
I will start practicing on synthetic skin so then in case I fail my studies, I would be ready  to start a business as a tattoo artist ! 

And why not moving to  England if I get to bored in France ( as I love the english language too!)  
Anyway, I have no clue of what will happen, that's kind of scary I confess. 

I am mainly scared of doing something too usual or that I don't like. 
If it happens, I will get depressed and think that I've ruined my life.

                                                                                                                            Thanks for reading homies !                                                                                         PAPERPLANE.

You are talented and everyone in this blogging community believes in your talent!  Mrs P.

Tuesday 2 December 2014

Something weird happened... Here is Paperplane's invisible FIRST article!^^

Hi there ! How's it going? 

I hope everyone has spent great holidays !
I do apologise but I won't say anything special about mine, but I'd like to share with you an artistic video that I discovered these two past months and that I particularly liked.
This video is based on visions of woman's body according the male's view which has been turned into the metaphor of a 'crème caramel'.
I personally found this video brilliant, beautiful and full of sensuality.
Every details have been well considered to create an erotic ideal.
I also liked the wink given to the french band -La femme- at the end.

Anyone likes looking at beautiful things , even though sometimes they don't know why they find them beautiful so let's have a look on it with this link down below !  

Feel free to comment



Saturday 29 November 2014

English spelling rules are weird (^^)...

But on this blog, we never judge! So weird is all right!

Kiwi's article was incomplete (Mrs P. needs holidays!): here it comes again!

Hi there ! 

Personaly, I don’t even know what I would like to do as a job for the future. 

But it’s obvious that I would like a job where I can always move. 

I can’t stand all my days in an office! 
If ever I could have this regular slide in my house ! (If I have my own house)

More seriously, I would like to do crazy things, for example skydiving ! 
It could give me chills and be really thrilling. Everyone should experience this at least once ! 


But I think I would definitely travel around the world
Come back to the Philippines! Not only to see my family, but eat in a Waterfalls Restaurant ! Look at this, the food is served on bamboo tables while our feet are immersed in water! 

Visit the Tidal Basin's cherry blossoms in Washington, D.C during full bloom. A cherry blossom is one of my favorite flowers. This place looks very wonderful.

And ride Elephants in Thailand ! (why not take a bath with them haha) 

But that's not all ! Unfortunately, my article can't accommodate all I want !

You have noticed, I would not visit common places !



Friday 28 November 2014

Now that you know him, let's see his plans for the future!

Hello guys!

So I have to talk to you about my future so I had this deep though "What I am going to do in the ten next years??????"...

As I don't know, I will answer the question bout "What I would like to do". 

I'm quite interested in journalism so why not maybe join a journalism school and work several years to get a degree.

 I am also interested in travels , other cultures and other languages. 

I've travelled a lot when I was younger and I would like to do it again so why not go to the Uk or the USA or even Canada because I am also interested in marple syrup and I like polite people. 

Well I don't know please tell me in the comments if I have to choose the journalism school or  Canada .


Today is Black Friday!

Black Friday is the Friday following Thanksgiving Day in the United States (the fourth Thursday of November), often regarded as the beginning of the Christmas shopping season. In recent years, most major retailers have opened very early and offered promotional sales to kick off the holiday shopping season, similar to Boxing Day sales in many Commonwealth nations. Black Friday is not a holiday, but California and some other states observe "The Day After Thanksgiving" as a holiday for state government employees, sometimes in lieu of another federal holiday such as Columbus Day. Many non-retail employees and schools have both Thanksgiving and the day after off, followed by a weekend, thereby increasing the number of potential shoppers. It has routinely been the busiest shopping day of the year since 2005, although news reports, which at that time were inaccurate, have described it as the busiest shopping day of the year for a much longer period of time. 

 But there is a movement against that, called Buy Nothing Day.

Buy Nothing Day (BND) is an international day of protest against consumerism. In North America, Buy Nothing Day is held on the Friday after U.S. Thanksgiving,  elsewhere, it is held the following day, which is the last Saturday in November.
The first Buy Nothing Day was organized in Canada in September 1992 "as a day for society to examine the issue of over-consumption." 
In 1997, it was moved to the Friday after American Thanksgiving, also called "Black Friday", which is one of the ten busiest shopping days in the United States

Thursday 27 November 2014

At long last, Boldman's presentation!

Hello guys I am Boldman, I chose this nickname because it describes me perfectly because I am an audacious man ... 

I like tons of things but two of my favorites are football and rap.

My favorite rapper could be RZA if I had to choose and my favorite football player of all time is definitly Zinedine Zidane [who is a baldman! lol!  Mrs P.] , that might be not really original but I am not so original so it's fine.

We are so supposed to present something so I chose a film from 2013  entitled "Dallas Buyers Club".

The story takes place in 1985, in Dallas. Ron Woodroof is a violent cowboy, machist and homophobic.
Ron's life is filled with rodeo, alcohol, cocaine and sex.One day he is diagnosed with HIV, and learns that he is left with 30 days to live. 
The mad cowboy is embodied by the exellent Matthew McConaughey .
The film allows us to take another look at the HIV virus and the homosexual condition in the USA in the late 80's.