Friday 5 December 2014

Paperplane's 2nd article: her plans...

Hi everyone! 
This is my turn to speak about my plan for the future and the only thing I am sure is that I want to join an art section.
I wish I could join the best graphic design school of France which is in Paris. 
People are selected in with a selective exam and as you can guess only a small number of people are retained. 
Then, what is sure for me is that I will start soon the tattoo training (as some of you guys know).
I will start practicing on synthetic skin so then in case I fail my studies, I would be ready  to start a business as a tattoo artist ! 

And why not moving to  England if I get to bored in France ( as I love the english language too!)  
Anyway, I have no clue of what will happen, that's kind of scary I confess. 

I am mainly scared of doing something too usual or that I don't like. 
If it happens, I will get depressed and think that I've ruined my life.

                                                                                                                            Thanks for reading homies !                                                                                         PAPERPLANE.

You are talented and everyone in this blogging community believes in your talent!  Mrs P.


  1. Hi parplane personny I believe in talent. you are very talented and I hope you good luck , I thing you are going achieve your goal. nice article and good project for your future...

    by grecy

  2. You have so much talent, I hope you'll do what you love :)

    Stuffed rabbit

  3. Hello Paperplane !
    I think that you have all your chances of your side ! =) You have so much talent seriously ! :)

  4. Hi ! I really like your drawings, who are the models of both portraits? :)
    Good luck, I believe in you :)

    1. These are my daughters! That's why I said I believe in Paperplane's talent: I've got these wonderful portraits in my house!

  5. yes I agree with you mrs Papy, she is talented, and she can do it! the portraits of your daugthers are very fantastic!

    Teddy Bear

  6. The portraits are really great! I never saw Mrs Papy's daughter but I guess its look like them! Paperplane you are so talented, I am sure you will be accepted in your design school. I wish you good luck for you future!

  7. The drawings of the girls looks like photos ! It's impressive.


    1. I totally agree ! That's awesome, you are really talented !

  8. your drawings looks like reality! I wish you good luck

  9. Thank you Mrs Pappy, I feel very flattered ! All these comments are so sweet and make me feel more confident ! x


  10. The drawings are IMPRESSIVE ! Very good job, your talent is indisputable ! Good luck, you've a great future in this domain !

  11. You're so talented ! Keep up the good work !

  12. The drawing are awesome !


  13. Since I met you, I m pretty sure that one day you'll become famous ! you are very talentued, so I wish you the best
    oton tik

  14. I love this tattoo and I love the tattoos in general because I think it's a veritable art.

    By Blondy

  15. TjPlus
    It's impresive! You have a huge talent!

  16. Paperplane is so talented !!! -Bonnie
