Tuesday 29 May 2012

comparaison between my former school and the new one, by Gaëlle.

The decision to transfer to a new school was personal and mine. It was based on a variety of reasons. I was looking for a change in instructional focus, program options, a new school theme, a different principal or just more convenient skyline. I have got more opportunities now than ever before. I live in france, I meet new interesting people, I study french litterature and my french is gonna be more and more beter.

My last school was maybe an european school where all the lessons where teaching in french and german but the german language was more present and thats why it sucks ! I love the school where I am now for three main reasons.
Firstly, they have a very good library. Its maybe small, but they have got very good books.Unlike my former school which had a big library with old, out-of-date books, my current school has both old and new books.
The second reason why I love my school is because I can play rugby there. Its true that the german take more part in sport activies at school than the french but they dont play rugby. I now have rugby lessons, so I have become quite good. It is plenty of fun too.
The Third reason I love my actually school is because my teachers are very good. They treat us well and they are very helpful. They always make sure that they come to teach us. They are always on time and always friendly to us. Maybe not all of them, but the majority. Finaly, I would like to say the each school has got their inconvients and advantages

                              Sophie-Scholl-Schule -berlin-The former school

                                 Lycée Alain-Fournier – Bourges-the new school


Thank you very much Gaëlle, for sharing this with us.

Mrs P.

Friday 25 May 2012

Being bilingual is good for the brain!

An interesting article found in The Connexion, a newspaper for English-speaking people who live in France:


Let's see what our English speaking guests think about that, next Tuesday!

Thursday 24 May 2012

Soon, a pretty exciting event!

And no, it doesn't mean what you think !!! ;-)

Here is the invitation we sent to pupils of our school in order to interview them for this blog:

Soon on this blog!!!

Wednesday 23 May 2012

Monday 14 May 2012

My school

My school, what I like about it.

     I am in 1 ere L in my High school.
In my school some teachers are nice but others are very  "strange”.
I study French, English, Spanish, Spanish literature and others.
I like speaking English and Spanish. And I would like to be a Spanish teacher, so I work a lot in Spanish.
     In the school when we don't have class, with my friends we continue to study but it's not every time, we prefer to have fun!
My timetable it's good for the Monday and Tuesday: I start at 8.10 and I finish at 2.50 on Monday and on Tuesday I start in 8.10 too and I finish at 12.05.
So I came back home.
     The self in the school is sometimes good but I think it can be  better.
     I hope I didn't frighten you with my opinion of my school!

Thursday 10 May 2012

My school, by Guiz18

To begin, my high school is located in a suburb called "les gibjoncs" where about 1000 students study each day. It is a large institution made of a boarding school of 240 students. What I like in this school is that there is a great outdoor area with many trees. It's really nice when the weather like right now.
But the two things I enjoy most are the boarding school and my friends. Indeed, the internal comes on Monday morning and only clear on Friday night. Every night, we end up between friends at the boarding unlike students who go home every day.
Unfortunately there’s not just the boarding school and its advantages because the days of the course are included. While almost all courses are tiresome for students there are a few subjects that remain interesting because not boring. I think about English and physical education for example.
Despite these ups and downs during the day it's still the good times that will be remembered and we certainly regret being adult.

Tuesday 8 May 2012

What I like about the school where I work, by Mrs P.

Some places are poetic...

 Some are reminiscent of historical events we shouldn't forget:

There are pretty flowers (our gardeners are wonderful!)

On the whole, it's not that bad!!!

Sunday 6 May 2012

My school, by Jules

Well, I will be honest, I don't like that much my school. I don't think it is pretty to look, it is still not that ugly, but I will admit that it is only a school .
 Schools don't have to be beautiful, you only have to learn there and meet people.

Still, there are some parts of my school that I like .

First of all, the teachers well, some of them are good teacher I think. And I will add, of course it's only my though, but if you have good teachers, the lessons will be more interesting even if you don't like the speciality.

I will talk now about this new association called "MDL", it was a very good idea from pupils to do this and to take care of it.
 When we, students have our breaks at 10 am and 3 pm, we can go and buy for example coffee, tea, or sweet things. We have to pay to have what we ask but the money is used for example to do travels that teachers organises.

I will finish my article with one of the lasts thinks I like about my school.
Exhibitions from the students who have taken the art speciality, are really
interesting and impressive sometimes and it gives high school life.