Friday 20 April 2012

"My school, what I like about it", by Agie

One of the things that I like the most at school is when I haven’t class and when I can be with some friends.

If the weather allows us to do that, we like sitting on the grass outside in front of the high school.
We can relax : we talk, laugh, we listen to music, play cards and sometimes we lay down.
That’s really pleasant because we have fun and we can during a moment « forget » that we are at school.

The subjects that I appreciate are espacially the foreign languages.
However, I also like history but not all the themes. But I don’t really have a gift for geography because I’m not so interested.
I’ve never really thought of what I like or don ‘t like about my school. But even if sometimes I complain of the school or of the food in the self, I’m happy to be in that school and to have met all of my friends.

My High School, by Nana

The timetable is advantageous because there are free afternoons.
But in terms of food: meals are not varied enough but cooks are nice.
Some teachers make their courses very interesting and generally they are all nice.
Ido not like this in high school:
some courses are evil places wihch makes them boring and tiring but
in general it is a good atmosphere .

Wednesday 18 April 2012

??????????????????????????? by Mrs P.

What is going on in our school at the moment????
Have the Killer Clowns from Outer Space landed in our school?????!!!!!

No: at the moment, for an artistic project with the nearby Secondary school, a real circus is in the premises: isn't it unexpected?

Tuesday 17 April 2012

My High School, by Jade

I'm in this school for this year and I  don't regret having come here.
What pleases me most it's to see my friends every day and to spend good moments with them.
There are also subjects which I appreciate, especially French and extra English.
What I also like it's the fact that the others don't judge me for my manner of speaking or dressing, and without forgetting the number of additional liberties.
However, I don't really like the food of the self and buildings would need to be renewed and grows more attractive but without that the life at the high school is awesome !

My High school, by Ghost Wolf

 In this school I like the difference of people. We can meet a punk, a reggae, a gothic and more.
They don't critizice for this difference.
 For example, in my old school, the students made fun of others. But I look in this school, the students
are more tolerant butare more hypocritical.
 But the real reason  I like this school is just I love my friends and girlfriend.
this school I think I never would have met my love: It's just for them  I come here.
 My time table in the begining of the week is so light but on Thursday and Friday is hard. Few teachers
wouldn't to teach but they not interesting. I don't really like to study, I prefer leave the high-school and go to the army.
 I'm not any more patient.

Monday 9 April 2012

"My school, what I like about it" by Cockatoo

I am in 1ere L in my High School.

I'm a boarder and I like going out with my friends on  wednesday afternoons.

At school, I like French, English, Spanish, Extra English and English Literature but I don't like very much Biology.

We study a lot of interesting things.

In my timetable, I have differents subjects like: History, French, English, Spanish, Extra English, Physical Education, English Literature, Biology, Sciences and Literature.

My timetable is not very good because I start the lessons at 8:10 am everyday and finish school at 6:00 pm on Friday.

Then, in the self the food is quite good but there is not enough to eat.

I'm happy because this year I don't have Mathematics, a subject I hate!

by Cockatoo

And you reader, what do you like in your High School?

Mrs P.

Saturday 7 April 2012

Very soon on this blog...

...a new series of articles about our school and what we like about it!

See you soon,
Mrs P.