Monday 9 February 2015

Grecy and Kirikou's New Year Resolutions...

 Hello everybody I'm Kirikou.
I hope that I'm well known. 

To begin I would like to present  best wishes of happiness to every body for this new year 2015.
[Thank you, Kirikou. Mrs P.]
Indeed,I convened to you in this meeting to speak to you about new resolutions which I took about our village.
Unaware of what takes place in the village, we have no water, no land to cultivate.

The river of Marigo is very far and we don't  have men anymore now that Karaba transformed them into objects obeying her orders.

Being given  that in our village remain only two men, my uncle and the wise person of the village and the rest are women, children.

I decided to go into town to indicate to our government to send the servicemen to  free our village of this misfortune.
And also I would take advantage of this opportunity to ask for an audience with the Minister for Education   to be able  to build us a school so that we can learn to read and to write because the education is major especially for us young people of tomorrow.
I'm fed up to live in an autartic community of subsistence. It would be necessary to develop a long-lasting community, export our local products like our pottery, the gold at the same time that is going to attract the investors in our village. That would be brilliant.

Look all around us  today in the 21th century our moms do not hide their breasts, we walk barefoot, we live as savages that is in the natural state. We have to leave this natural state to be modernized. You do not realize that leaves us outside the globalization?
It is horrible, it is deplorable!
I Kirikou  do not want to live any more in this state.
 I think of my future what we are going to become tomorrow? Our community is on the way of disappearing.
We cannot let her exterminate us.
Karaba destroyed our village. I already know the secret of its curse when I went to my grandfather who lives at the other end of the mountain, he  told me everything  on her; we pushed  a  poisoned thorn on her back and that makes her suffer day and night.

When law enforcement will be there she will be then arrested and we are going to tear away  this nail.
 But before that, the modernity has to  invade our village with the industrial revolution, the transport, the education.  

What do you  think about that? I hand over to you to the one who wants to speak.

The wise person of the village spoke and said:

My dear kirikou child stop saying silly things, I understand you but all that you let us  be in Africa and ask for will not be realized in a slap of fingers, no my dear child.
This village is given up by our governement. Nobody takes care, they are concentrated for doing other affairs like dictature, make suffer the people. I'm against globalisation.

To what  use is  education? That will bring you  troubles my dear child.
For centuries, we have lived in an autartic life, with the subsistence economy and that for generations in generations.
You Kirikou and your friends you have to help your mothers going  to draw some water from the river of Marigo. We shall go to beg Karaba so that she can return us the water like that we go afire our agriculture it is good OK

And Kirikou answered and said : not matter I don't  agree with you. I'm ready to go in the city. You don't have to worry youth because you're  old and you will never understand the concern I have for our village. I want the change of life, modernity.

Suddenly the strong woman replied: eeeh dirty miserable child, you are only  small you receive notice  to tell us about your stupid things?
Elsewhere or out of this idea in your big head. You're an idiot look at you, and you want to contradict the wise?
Kirikou's mother replied to the strong woman: you don't have permission to insult my son Kirikou. He is a brainy boy you know this. He saved us when we were sick.
Thanks to him he convinced his friend to go pick some yellow flowers in the field of Karaba the witch. I totaly agree for the right of Kirikou's resolutions for the new year and I have to support his ambition.
Tomorrow I will sell the clay pots so I'll pay his bus fare. He will go away from here.

Kirikou replied: listento me please , it will be twilight soon and night will fall. We can not continue this meeting.
That is why I ask you to go home and that we are under the baobab and darkness approaching.

We will continue our meeting next week but know for sure that I Kirikou will go to the end and my dreams will become a reality...

Suddenly everybody pushed the cry of joy in honor of the courage of Kirikou . Some danced, others sang with loud cry.

To be continued.......


  1. A long article which remind me memories,I really loved Kirikou when I was kid :)

    1. Me too ! Kirikou was one of my favourite movie when I was young !

    2. Yes me too and it's always a pleasure to watch it again :)

  2. I don't know why I still consider that this film is rather special !

  3. "Kirikou is not tall but he's brave" : I love this film, it's wonderful, I looked all the time when I was a child ! Great article Grecy !

  4. I remind me my childhood's memories :') I liked your article :)

  5. You touched my heart.. I'm joking! I have been so curious about what you can say for kirikou's resolutions and.. I'm impress, nice
    Oton tik

  6. I never watch Kirikou, I should try I think

