Wednesday 31 May 2017

Zbebzbeb's article...

"Good morning my grandsons ! How are my little hearts ?"
"Great Nana ! Super !"
" Good; so what do you want to do this afternoon ?"
"Tell us a story !"
"Oh it's all right, what story do you want I tell you ?"
"Your life !"
"Ha ha it's too vague " my life ", it should be more specific."

"Tell us the biggest event which has marked your life ! Yes!"
"Ooh great, it's okey, open your ears and listen to me. So my real life begin durant my studies, it's when  I met your grandfather, he was so nice and romantic, but he still nice haha so where I was ?"
" You said about Baba !"
" Oh right, so we married at the end of our studies and we relocated in our first little appartment. Yes we didn't live in this house all our life. We were so young ..."

"Nana tell us how you survived to the Third world war !"
"Ooh, I, it's very long and complicated, but I can well summerize. It was not like other wars, it was more political. In The United States, the new president elected in 2032 decided to stop exchanges between countries and to cut electricity, sources of food, water, all that ressources neccesary to live in the goal to kill slowly countries."

"Ooh how did you survive ?"
"Haha your grandfather was very smart and strong. He was always there to fetch food."
"Haha Baba !"
"Haha yes but this period was very short, like 8 months I think, but you don't study it in school ?"
"Nana we are in primary school."

"Oh it's right, it's right."
"Tell us more please Nana !!"
" Next time my honeys, your parent are going to arrive soon."
"Oh noooo please Nana..."
" Haha who want a piece of pie ?"
"Me ! Me ! No me !"


  1. Original article aha ^^
    - Chamallow

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