Thursday, 18 May 2017

Chenle and her grandchildren...

 When I am 95 years old I will be a lady who will live in a small house by the sea, in brittany or in a foreign country.

I will have short white hair, I will usually wear sweaters and sneakers. 

I will always sit in front of the sea to recall to myself the good and bad memories that I experienced during my life. 

I will observe the sea and listen to the different sounds of nature such as birds singing or wind bumping against the tree leaves.

I may be a grandmother, at least if I am, I will be a doting grandmother. 

I will take care of my grand children, I will make them do stupid things, I will play with them and I will give them sweets as my grandmother did.

I will live by myself, for I will be free to be able to do what I want, If I am still alive, something  I do not hope because in 95 years we've done our time... 

I will go for a walk on the harbor which is located next to my house. I will watch the people around me eating local specialties. 

At 95 years we are mostly bored, so I will meet people, I do not know how but I will find a way to pass the time.

In my free time I will listen to music, all styles confused.

I will be an old lady who I hope will not do the same everyday. 

As a companion I will have a horse at the bottom of the garden. 

It will be happy because it will spend his day eating and observing what  is going on around him. 

I will take care as I can because at 95, a person does not have too much future so I will wait more or less quietly by finding happiness where I can find it.


  1. Awesome story. I really liked your article!
    - Chamallow

  2. Wow the landscape seems to be beautiful, I guess that you are a lucky grandmother to live there ! I really like the way you wrote your article.
    See you soon, -Pegasus
