Tuesday 29 November 2016

And we start our new series of articles with Aquagirl... I mean, Roots and Culture!

Hello bloggers ! 

Today we have a new subject which is: which super-power  would we like to have for one day ?

I think that the super-power which I would dream about  would be to have the capacity to breathe underwater. (Yes I would like to be a fish! )

I chose it because I like very much the water, I like marine animals and I especially like the silence which we  find  inside as if I was in another world.

All through this day with the super-power I would not put my head outside the water, I would go to see all the oceans of the world, I could discover new submarine species ! 

The drawbacks of this super-power would be that you can be attacked by an enormous creature, but especially its would be to see the worst predator for the sea:  MAN. 

Yes  man is the worst enemy of marine animals, between the pollution, the waste but also the shark finning which consists in fishing for a shark to deprive him of his fin to sell them and to release them in the ocean !!! 

Not to end with these horrors, there are advantages to see numerous magnificent sea beds  and to see beautiful sorts animals sorts ! Simply discovering its attractive world hide !

 If my power lasted longer in  time I would try to avoid  that the man makes some more damages. I would try to find some solutions to avoid the pollution and reduce the contamination of animals !!

PS : I secretly dream to be a mermaid..

I hope that my article will have pleased you, see you soon !


  1. I love your article and your superpower. Do you have favorite places which you want especially visit underwater ?

    1. Great barrier reef in Australia !!

    2. I was sure of your answer... I don't know why

  2. It's very funny i would like to have the same power. I moreover made my article on this power! I'm agree with from star to finish! chenle

  3. A beautiful blond mermaid! So cute!
    But more seriously, I agree with you about the damages of human in the ocean and for the fish! It's horible and we are horrible! If we become mermaids, we try to find solutions together, if you want!!
    Good article!


    1. Yes the humans are horrible ...
      Oh yes with pleasure !

  4. Your article was great, breathing under water looks so awesome !
    I'd like to be a mermaid too !
    I agree with you and Sunflower on the damages of humans in the seas and oceans, it's horrible...
    See you soon little mermaid, -Pegasus

    1. Thank's for your comment Pagasus !
      see you soon :)

  5. I'm sure Rease and Harley will like it ;)

  6. Your article is very cute, I would like to visit the océans too as long as I can, it could be a great way. It was interesting to discover your secret dream even if we all know your dram (ahah)!
    See you soon for an other article

    1. Thans's Reese ! Yes I think that you have an idea about it !
      See you soon :)

  7. I couldnt agree more with the damages that mankind causes
    I'm also really curious about what exists in deep waters, apparently we have so much more to discover and yet it seems we're sooo far from another discovery

    I really really really love mermaid, i alwayysss draw them, if one day i happen to like girls, my girlfriend would either be a mermaid or a fairy lol

    1. Thank's for your comment Fearir :)
      We ignored many things about Ocean !
      Ahah, see you soon :)

  8. I agreee with you. Human is the worst enemy of the fauna and the flora ! So many animals die everyday because of them, without forgetting thousand trees are cut down ! So much pollution, the Earth suffer. We must react !

    And good article, really interesting, hope I could see you as a mermaid one day ;)


    1. yes we must react ! it's so sad ...
      Thank's Harley

  9. Oh my gos this power is so beautiful. It will be so fantastic to breath in the water

  10. I love mermaids ahahah !

  11. Very good article ! Madridista

  12. It's a really cool super power, but it wouldn't be a good one for me as I hate water haha^^
    The part about what mankind does to oceans is completely true and in my opinion what they do to sharks is absolutely awful.
    Anyway it was a really good article, see you^^


    1. Oh yes I can understand that some peoples don't like the water because it is also a very strange world, the sea for example is a magnificent but also very rebel environment !!
      So sad ..
      Thank's for your comment :)

  13. great article !
    - Chamallow

  14. As a swimmer and an addict of the water I van say that your power is the best!!

    1. Yes I had a thought for you by making this article El Maya :)
