Sunday 8 May 2016

TjPlus Article on charities

[For technical reasons which I can't explain to myself, this artclecould not be published before and the photos can't be added... Sorry about that.  Mrs P.]

When I am older I would like to get involved whith the UNICEF association because I think it's  very important to help children across the world for their education, evolution, and living conditions but especially their health!!!

I have discovered many charity causes and associations which organize sponsorships between us and poor children in many poor countries and of many differents ages. After your inscription you can send them money every month and you receive in return a letter sent by the child who has received your money. You can communicate with them in English or Spanish for example so they can tell us about their life and their evolution.

So we can follow the education of our sponsored child and help him to evolve to a better life and create a very strong link with a new culture. 
But the most positively for me it's to receive letters or pictures of a person somewhere in the world who is a little more happy thanks to you and thanks to this charity  created to make the world better.
And I really think that we cannot live and be totally happy without helping at least one person into the world. It makes us feel better and it makes us rich inside!

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