Monday 16 May 2016

Another long due article: Lauranouille's on charities!

What would be the organization which I shall want to support when I shall be an adult  is a good question, because there are a lot.
The association which interests me is called the UNICEF. 
This association consists in reducing the extreme poverty and the hunger, and the reduction of the poverty begins with the children, because in developing countries, it is generally the children of less than 5 years that starve. 

Poverty creates conditions which damage the development of the child: mental, physical, emotional… 
The UNICEF is going to allow the child to survive, to bloom, for it the UNICEF is going to give shots to the children, it is the main supplier of vaccines in the world. 
The organization is also going to allow to strengthen the local health systems. 
I shall want to support this organization because I find that it is important, you should not neglect organizations because they allow to decrease the poverty and the suffering in the world. 

A lot of people do not care about these problems. Here is the conviction of the UNICEF: all the children have the right to survive, to bloom and to realize all their potential to build a better world. 

1 comment:

  1. People don't speak about poverty enough ! If we want to eradicate poverty in the world we must work together.
