Thursday 5 May 2016

People often say they see ghosts on the location of the Battle of Gettysburgh...

The Battlefield at Gettysburg Pennsylvania is said to be one of if not the most haunted locations in the United States.

Do you think it's possible? Is it metaphorical? What does it say about that Battle?


  1. Yes it possible, I think. This is one of the most horrible war and a lot of people died.

  2. I think that our brain created the feeling that the place is haunted because we knew the history of the Gettysburg Battle but I think ghosts are in our world because I really want to believe in another life after these

  3. I believe in spirits so I think it's possible, or maybe it's just someone walking ahah

  4. To me it's true because there are ghost everywhere. I believe in ghost. To me at this place there are ghost because of the story. If you need evidences check on Youtube, the GHOST ADVENTURES channel. They explained and filmed everything to convince you that ghosts are real
