Wednesday 28 January 2015

Stuffed Rabbit and Effy's New Year's resolutions.

Hi everyone ! It's Stuffed rabbit and today I will try to think like someone else. 
Indeed, I am going to present a fictional character's resolutions for the new year.

So, the character that I decided to choose is Effy Stonem from Skins, maybe some of you know her if you have already watched the show Skins
That show deals with young british people's life, it's a very good show that I recommend to all of you. 

(Don't watch the American version, it's not as good as the British one ).

This is Effy Stonem :

I love her character because she understands people and she has a very complex personality but you have to watch the show to understand.

Let's start with the new year's resolutions !

I don't think that Effy Stonem cares about new resolutions but let's imagine she does. 

I think that she would say that she will stop smoking and drinking even if I think in her case it's not possible, she would also want to be more concerned in school. 
What else ? 
I think she would like to be less scared by her feelings so that she could more easily open her heart to people because she is afraid to be hurt, that's why she refuses to fall in love. 
She would like to listen more to her heart. 
She could also want as a new resolution to be more careful with what she tastes, she likes to try different drugs and it can be dangerous. 
Moreover, she would like to have less fun with drugs, alcohol, parties, … and take time to rest instead.

I think that's all ! 
I made that list but I don't think her character should change, she is just the way she is and that's how complicated she is that makes her so interesting. 
And I don't think she could change the way I said it.

But anyway that was fun to do. 

Thanks for reading !


  1. Hi ! I know this show but I have never seen it ^^


    1. You should, but it's only my point of view ^^

      Stuffed rabbit

  2. I have never seen it but your aticle is interesting :)

  3. I like your article, It look like a good serie !

    1. Thank's ! I personally love this show

      Stuffed rabbit

  4. I don't know this moovie but it looks not bad I think.

    by grecy

    1. It's a TV show and not a movie ^^

      Stuffed rabbit

  5. I don't really like that show but your article is good.


    1. Different tastes ^^ thank you

      Stuffed rabbit

  6. Yeah I agree the american version is very bad, I didn't like it !
    This article is very good ! Mickael.J-King

    1. Finally someone who knows the show ! :D Thank you

      Stuffed rabbit

  7. I don't know your character :o

  8. Skins is a very good series but I don't really like Effy, I prefer Cook or freddy


  9. Skins is a really good series, but Effy can be so terrible...


  10. i'm agree Effy souldn't change her mind she is perfect in skins !


  11. That's my girl, Effie! This is the best series everrrr

  12. Kaya Scodelario !

    Aliena will be unkeepable to stay calm ! (Zus says hello to Calypso ^^)
