Saturday 31 January 2015

Boldman, inside a baldman's head!

Homer Simpson's 2015 resolutions

 Hello ladies and gentlemens , this is Kent Brockman on Springfield Breaking News. Today is the 1st January 2015 and we are doing a special report on the Simpson's family new year resolutions.

Yet it is 2015, and everybody's thinking about his new resolutions for the upcoming new year . 
Our dear unforgettable friend Homer Simpson does not break the rule as he is a person with bad habits , Homer has to change many things in his daily life. Because this year won't be like the others.
Homer  wants to keep his "good resolutions" to become a "better family guy" said his wife Marge Simpson.

His first resolution is of course to deal with his addiction to every type of junk food. 
According to Marge, Homer cannot eat Donuts, Pork ribs and every fat food that Homer loves anymore.

Kent Brockman-"Homer do you have something to say ? that a sandwich made of donuts between pork ribs that you are eating ?"
Homer Simpson-"What ? Ah yes , this is my sandwich dude do not even dare to look at it , not even once"
Kent Brockman-"But and what about your new year's resolutions Homer ?"
-Homer Simpson-"My what?"
-Marge Simpson-"Homer!! I said no junk food"
-Homer Simpson-"THOOO!"

We carried on the interview with the young Bart Simpson , very well known scamp of Springfield town.
Bart is often accused of being a disruptive child . 
According to his mother Marge Simpson Bart has decided to become choirboy of Spingfield Church and to not show his ass in public anymore. 
According to the Headteatcher Skinner "This is a trap , Bart Simpson is trying  to fool me again. This boy can't change"
Kent Brockman-"So we are with the young Bart Simpson. Bart what do you think of your new resolutions for 2015?"
Bart Simpson-"Yes I think this is good for everydoby that I decided to become a nice boy."
Kent Brockman-"Yes that's good Bart , can you show us some proofs that you are now a nice boy."
Bart Simpson-"Yes of course , do you like moonrises ?"

Kent Brockman-"I like the moon yes.. but"
Bart Simpson-"HERE IT IS"
Kent Brockman-" Well I should've anticipated that.. Seems like the Simpsons are a common family who do not respect their good resolutions for the new year. 

It was Kent Brockman on Springfield breaking news. Good afternoon".

You can't play anymore....


Because Grapefruit has won again! 

The door was alarmed (there was an alarm if you opened the door) but it also means "worried" (which would be silly for a door, but not if everything else is also "worried"...^^)

Let's meet again next week for another game!!!!

Game! game! game!


Friday 30 January 2015

Bamboo and Winnie's resolutions...

Winnie The Pooh and his resolutions:

List of characters (French/English) to help you:

• Jean-Christophe = Christopher Robin
• Tigrou= Tigger
• Porcinet= Pigglet
• Coco Lapin= Rabbit
• Maître Hibou= Owl
• Grand Gourou= Kanga
• Petit Gourou= Roo
• Bourriquet= Eeyore
• Fôret des Rêves Bleus= Hundred Acre Wood 


Hello, I'm Winnie the Pooh and here my story ! Good Reading ! 
This evening is New Year's Eve. 
Winnie is with his friends.Christopher Robin, Tigger, Pigglet, Rabbit, Owl, Kanga, Roo, Eeyore are present in  Winnie's house in the Hundred Acre Wood. For 2015, Winnie imagines his resolutions with all his friends.

Winnie: Friends, to start with, I have decided to eat less honey ! 
Rabbit: Are you kidding? (imagining Winnie eating honey)


Winnie: No, Why? and Why are you laughing like a moron?
Rabbit: No, but Winnie...
Tigger: ... You're right Winnie, it's a good resolution for 2015.
Winnie: Thanks Tigger! I think too about following a diet...
Everybody: Ah ah! (laughter) 
Winnie: It isn't funny!!!
Roo: But, Winnie, you are good as you are, don't worry! 
Kanga: My son is right, yet if you feel the need, then do it! 
Pigglet: Winnie, where is the honey? I'm hungry! 
Winnie: Hum.... Maybe.... no... I don't know... 
Rabbit: Ah ah! That diet starts well!!!
Eeyore: STOP RABBIT! It's not funny, help Winnie rather.
Rabbit: Rho, it's  New Year's Eve isn't it?!
Winnie: Rabbit is right... I'm fat, ugly.... Thanks 2015!
Pigglet: No, no and no! Winnie you are perfect, Well Tell us about your other resolutions for 2015? And afterwards, we shall go to see the fireworks  in theHundred Acre Wood. 
Roo: Yes! Tell us! You know, we believe you! 
Winnie: Thank you my friends! So, my other resolution is.... To produce my own honey to stop stealing from the bees !!


Everybody: ... Great Winnie, Great.... Well, let's go...
Winnie and his friends went to see the fireworks and the party finished like that! 


Winnie as many others, did not change his bad habits but we continue to love him the way he is! 
Again : 

Thank you and see you soon! 


Thursday 29 January 2015

Gooda and Dora's resolutions!

My fictional personnage is Dora !

Dora has taken important decisions for this New Year 2015.

   First, she decided to let Boots (That's "Babouche" in French!) leave her to live his life in the Amazonian forest. 

But Boots does not agree about that because he doesn't know where  Amazonia is. 

And on top of that, he doesn't want to leave Dora. She's his only and his best friend. 

But Dora had decided and she wanted him to see the forest and to meet his family. 

Boots has never met his parents. 

For Dora, it has to change !

   Her second good resolution is to buy a Global Positioning System for when she wants to go to her grand-mother's. 
Because in our time, in 2015, maps are outdated. Moreover, all her friendsagree with this idea and Vera suggested lending Dora her GPS until she buys one.

   For her last  resolution, she decided to cut her bang because she thinks that isn't fashionable today to have a bang. 
Furthermore, for this year she wants to dress with only one color for example just with purple like her backpack. 
But opinions are divided because for example her friend Totor hated her bang so he was so happy when Dora told him the good new whereas her mother loved her haircut. 
For her Dora was so cute !

To finish my short story about Dora's good resolutions, we can say that she should speak only English !! 

Thanks for reading my article and if you have questions, feel free to ask me !! 

xoxo Goodaa

Wednesday 28 January 2015

Stuffed Rabbit and Effy's New Year's resolutions.

Hi everyone ! It's Stuffed rabbit and today I will try to think like someone else. 
Indeed, I am going to present a fictional character's resolutions for the new year.

So, the character that I decided to choose is Effy Stonem from Skins, maybe some of you know her if you have already watched the show Skins
That show deals with young british people's life, it's a very good show that I recommend to all of you. 

(Don't watch the American version, it's not as good as the British one ).

This is Effy Stonem :

I love her character because she understands people and she has a very complex personality but you have to watch the show to understand.

Let's start with the new year's resolutions !

I don't think that Effy Stonem cares about new resolutions but let's imagine she does. 

I think that she would say that she will stop smoking and drinking even if I think in her case it's not possible, she would also want to be more concerned in school. 
What else ? 
I think she would like to be less scared by her feelings so that she could more easily open her heart to people because she is afraid to be hurt, that's why she refuses to fall in love. 
She would like to listen more to her heart. 
She could also want as a new resolution to be more careful with what she tastes, she likes to try different drugs and it can be dangerous. 
Moreover, she would like to have less fun with drugs, alcohol, parties, … and take time to rest instead.

I think that's all ! 
I made that list but I don't think her character should change, she is just the way she is and that's how complicated she is that makes her so interesting. 
And I don't think she could change the way I said it.

But anyway that was fun to do. 

Thanks for reading !

Sunday 25 January 2015

From Eve Proofread's blog...

New Year’s Resolutions Fictional Characters Should Have Made

December 30, 2012

Clark Kent (Superman- Jerry Siegel, Joe Shuster): 


Buy more convincing disguise- minor difference in hairdo and specs aren’t quite cutting it anymore and besides, hipsters have ruined these glasses for me. Also, buy velcro shirts, they look easier to rip open- you would not believe how much of my time I spend sewing buttons back on.

Spectre (James Bond novels – Ian Fleming): 
Move HQ from hollowed out volcano, the health and safety implications are a nightmare.

Miss Havisham (Great Expectations – Charles Dickens): Consider a new look or at least get that wedding dress dry cleaned. 

Captain Haddock (Tintin – Hergé):  Join AA: one can only have so many whisky-fuelled near misses on the high seas.


Heathcliff (Wuthering Heights – Emily Brontë): 
Sign up to that anger management course and really get to grips with my abandonment issues. Or perhaps just move, it is rather gloomy on these moors.

Frodo (Lord of the Rings – J.R.R Tolkien): 
Find a giant eagle in the first instance next time, rather than taking the long and perilous way there, only to get an ornithological shortcut home, or just never leave the Shire again. 

Pi (Life of Pi – Yann Martel): Transport dangerous animals by air-freight next time.  

Paddington Bear (His eponymous series – Michael Bond): Take it easy on the Marmalade sandwiches; the duffel coat’s getting rather snug. 

Saturday 24 January 2015

The game has been won! stop playing! (as if...^^)


Congratulations to Grapefruit who won the game!

Please, play my game!!!!!!!


An article from The Guardian on...guess what? New Year's resolutions in fiction!

New year's resolutions in fiction

Has a novel ever changed the way you see things, or a character shown you the way to go?

Little Women
Reading resolutions. A scene from the 1994 film version of Little Women. Photograph: Kobal

It's that time again when we examine what went wrong in the old year and try to put it all right in the new. Yes, it's the season of resolutions. And like asparagus or strawberry seasons of summer, it usually doesn't last very long.

One year, under the influence of Louise Rennison's Georgia Nicholson series, I decided to take up jogging. 
It was Georgia's fault for setting off on a health jag in Luuurve is a Many Trousered Thing
I bought myself some jogging bottoms and ran up and down my street twice but the visions of the new, improved, healthier version of myself soon faded - unlike the flush of shame as I walked home in defeat.
I have not jogged since. 

It set me thinking about what impact other fictional characters have had on my decision-making.
Bridget Jones is a prime example of someone who carries the flag for New Year's resolutions, but her willpower is almost as feeble as my jogging. 
Perhaps her purpose is to reassure us all that we're not alone.

I'm not talking about the how-to scoldings of the self-help industry but the less pushy influence of a good novel. 
One person on the children's books team recalls being spurred on by Jane Austen's Emma to be less bossy around her friends. 
But sometimes they can have the opposite effect, especially the really angelic ones. 
Beth, in Little Women, for example inspired another to be more rebellious than saintly.

Have any fictional characters influenced the way you live your life? 

Your (reader's) comments:

Mole in Wind In the Willows showed me that even for shy and timid people there is a world out there that is worth exploring where you can find true and lasting friendships with people who aren't in the least bit like you at all.

Of all the books I've read, it was What Katy Did that inspired me to be kind to others and keep a clean house (room) even when unhappy and hurting inside.

Friday 23 January 2015

Game! Game! Game!

Explain and win something absolutely awesome!

They did that too in 2014!

Barnes and Noble, the American chain of bookstores imagined the New Year's resolutions of fictional characters last year too. Here they are:

We’re all in the same boat, even your favorite fictional characters. We surveyed some literary titans, and here are a few of their goals for the bright, shiny new year:

Narrator (The Tell-Tale Heart)
“Find lodgings nearer to that yoga studio. More deep-breathing exercises. I must, I must!”

Dr. John Watson (The Complete Sherlock Holmes)
“Get that blasted leg wound sorted. Or was it a shoulder ailment? Bugger, I can’t remember. Holmes!”

Robert Baratheon (A Game of Thrones)
“Lose that pesky 10 pounds…bobbing about on Cersei’s shoulders. HA HA HA. You, mummer, bring me more prostitutes and wine! And that turkey leg.”

Thranduil (The Hobbit)
“Invest in home security system improvements.”

Albus Dumbledore (Harry Potter)
“Why, find new and inventive ways to mortally imperil my students, of course! Maybe lodging the sword of Gryffindor inside a giant talking spider, perhaps. Oh yes, that’s very good. Very good indeed, Alby.”

Rose of Sharon Joad-Rivers (The Grapes of Wrath)
“I’m bound to get an idea if I think long enough. Oh, I know, there’s that Groupon for the family therapy I figgered we should put to use. And I reckon I ought to write to that feller from the barn.”

Winnie the Pooh (The House at Pooh Corner)
“I would say I have to agree with Rabbit’s resa…reso…I agree with what Rabbit wants. Extremely. Undoubtably. Did he say he hoped to have more honey? Oh, well then I shall want to add that as well.”

Polonius (Hamlet)
“I plan to make time to get that shabby tapestry cleaned. Such filth, particularly on the back side, not that I would know what that looked like, of course…methinks that’s enough now.”

Rincewind (Discworld)
“No adventures. I resolve to have a nice, quiet, simple year with the Luggage. Absolutely no trifling about in dungeon dimensions or anything of the sort. Did you hear that? Um.”

White Rabbit (Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland)
“Remember, remember, remember all my appointments. Day planner—a day planner, that’s the ticket!”

Holden Caulfield (The Catcher in the Rye)
“Resolutions are for phonies. And so are posthumous manuscript publications. Phonies. But I would like to find out where ducks go in the wintertime.”

What’s your resolution?

Thursday 22 January 2015

Fictional characters and their new year's resolutions...

An American bookstore (Barnes and Noble) imagined New Year's resolutions for fictional characters...

When it comes to well-meaning New Year’s resolutions, actual people aren’t the only ones trying to improve themselves by vowing to join a gym or take a cooking class. This year we asked our favorite stars of the literary set what they planned to work on in 2015.
“Forget the whale, this is the year I find myself.” —Ahab (Moby Dick, by Herman Melville)

“I’m going to make an effort to meet some new people.” —Catherine Dollanganger (Flowers in the Attic, by V. C. Andrews)

“Eat healthier.” —Willy Wonka (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, by Roald Dahl)

“This year I’m going to try and bug everyone less.” —Gregor Samsa (The Metamorphosis, by Franz Kafka)

“I’m finally going to open up a little practice in Hollywood.” —Dr. Moreau (The Island of Doctor Moreau, by H. G. Wells)

“Google the guy before I agree to marry him.” —Mrs. de Winter (Rebecca, byDaphne du Maurier)

“Get to the bottom of where ducks go in the wintertime.” —Holden Caulfield (The Catcher in the Rye, by J.D. Salinger)

“I’m going vegetarian in 2015.” —Jurgis Rudkus (The Jungle, by Upton Sinclair)

“Punctuality.” —Godot (Waiting for Godot, by Samuel Beckett)

“Become President of Key Club.” —Carrie (Carrie, by Stephen King)

“It’s time I got back out there into the dating pool.” —Miss Havisham (Great Expectations, by Charles Dickens)

“I’m finally going to read How to Win Friends and Influence People.” —Piggy (Lord of the Flies, by William Golding)

“Time to finish this scarf. I feel like I’ve been knitting this thing forever!” —Madame Defarge (A Tale of Two Cities, by Charles Dickens)

“Finally put all this Ikea furniture together.” —Lisbeth Salander (The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, by Stieg Larsson)

 What other New Year’s resolutions do you imagine your favorite fictional characters having?

Tuesday 20 January 2015

Monday 19 January 2015

Today is...

in the USA

Martin Luther King Day is a federal holiday held on the third Monday of January. 
It celebrates the life and achievements of Martin Luther King Jr., an influential American civil rights leader. 
He is most well-known for his campaigns to end racial segregation on public transport and for racial equality in the United States.