Saturday 20 September 2014

The Queen on the Scottish referendum

'An enduring love of Scotland' Queen hails referendum result as kingdom kept intact

THE Queen has tonight hailed our neighbours north of the border after Scottish voters rejected independence and chose to stay part of her kingdom.

The Queen with Princes Philip and Charles at the Highland Games and (right) leaving 2012's Thistle ceremonyThe Queen with Princes Philip and Charles at the Highland Games and (right) leaving 2012's Thistle c[GETTY/AP]

Her Majesty said she had an "enduring love of Scotland" which was shared with both the Yes and No sides of the debate and that would "unite" is all.

The 88-year-old also applauded the country's "robust democratic tradition" after a turnout of 84.5 per cent in the Scottish independence referendum.

The Queen had awoken in Aberdeenshire's Balmoral Castle this morning to find 55 per cent of Scots had voted in favour of staying part of the UK.

In a statement, the monarch said: "Now, as we move forward, we should remember that despite the range of views that have been expressed, we have in common an enduring love of Scotland, which is one of the things that helps to unite us all.

"Knowing the people of Scotland as I do, I have no doubt that Scots, like others throughout the United Kingdom, are able to express strongly-held opinions before coming together again in a spirit of mutual respect and support, to work constructively for the future of Scotland and indeed all parts of this country."

The Queen said the outcome of the referendum followed many "months of discussion, debate, and careful thought".

She added: "It is a result that all of us throughout the United Kingdom will respect.

"For many in Scotland and elsewhere today, there will be strong feelings and contrasting emotions - among family, friends and neighbours.

"That, of course, is the nature of the robust democratic tradition we enjoy in this country. But I have no doubt that these emotions will be tempered by an understanding of the feelings of others."

Her Majesty also pledged to help Scotland work constructively for the future.

Her statement will be seen as part of the process of reconciliation following the heated debate by both sides during the referendum.

The Queen sits with a quilted Prince Charles at the Braemar Highland GamesThe Queen sits with a quilted Prince Charles at the Braemar Highland Games [GETTY]
Any suggestion that the Queen would wish to influence the outcome of the current referendum campaign is categorically wrong. Her Majesty is simply of the view this is a matter for the people of Scotland
Buckingham Palace spokesperson

The monarch, who is popular in Scotland, faced the prospect of becoming Elizabeth I of Scotland or even Elizabeth, Queen of Scots, if the historic vote had gone the other sway. 
But with even graver questions facing the Queen's role as the head of state in an independent Scotland now swept aside, she will now go down in history as the monarch whose reign avoided the Union's fracture.  
She was fittingly in Scotland at her own private home, Balmoral in Aberdeenshire, when she learned that the 307-year-old union of which she is sovereign remains unbroken.
As a 27-year-old, her coronation more than 60 years ago was a deeply religious service in Westminster Abbey, during which she took a solemn oath to "govern the peoples of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland".
Even her coronation gown hinted at the importance of the Union, with intricate embroidery centring on the four emblems of the UK - the rose, the shamrock, the leek and the thistle.

It was seen by many as poignant that the Queen was at her Scottish home, where she spends the summer months each year, when the people of Scotland turned down the chance of independence. 
She is currently flanked by her husband, the Duke of Edinburgh, with the Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall also nearby at Birkhall, which sits on the estate.
The Queen's links to Scotland are strong and her Scottish heritage has been an important part of her life. Her mother, Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother, hailed from an ancient aristocratic Scottish family.
The annual Ghillies Ball, which she hosts for staff at Balmoral, was moved from polling day to today amid suggestions the switch was done to allow staff to vote in the referendum.
After previous reports that the Queen had urged Scottish voters to "think carefully" before casting their ballot, Buckingham Palace issued a statement maintaining that she was above politics.
"Any suggestion that the Queen would wish to influence the outcome of the current referendum campaign is categorically wrong. Her Majesty is simply of the view this is a matter for the people of Scotland," the Palace said.
Ukip leader Nigel Farage argued that the Queen should intervene, saying: "If the United Kingdom itself is under threat, then in many ways you could argue she has a responsibility to say something."

The Queen is said to be never happier than when at Balmoral 
The Queen is said to be never happier than when at Balmoral [GETTY]

While the Queen may have breathed a sigh of relief today, doubt remains over the future of her role in the wake of the Prime Minister's announcement of a new constitutional settlement for Scotland and the rest of the UK. 
The Queen remains publicly neutral when it comes to political matters, due to her constitution.  
Any statement today will be carefully timed to ensure all political leaders have already made their comments on the outcome, as well as carefully worded.
Following Australia's referendum on the monarchy in 1999, when the country voted against establishing a republic, the Queen said in a written statement on results day that she respected and accepted the result.
She spoke of her deep affection for Australia, pledging "faifthfully to serve" as Queen of Australia to the best of her ability.
During the Queen's Jubilee year of 1977 there were growing calls for power to be devolved to Scotland and Wales.
The Queen made her views clear in a speech to both houses of Parliament when she said she understood the aspirations of Scotland and Wales: "But I cannot forget that I was crowned Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

Queen Elizabeth II leaves after a service of commemoration at Crathie Kirk Church 
Queen Elizabeth II leaves after a service of commemoration at Crathie Kirk Church [GETTY]

"Perhaps this Jubilee is a time to remind ourselves of the benefits which union has conferred, at home and in our international dealings, on the inhabitants of all parts of this United Kingdom."
Almost 40 years after the Queen made that pledge, Scotland decided it to agree with her.
The Queen has a life-long love of Scotland. She is descended from Mary, Queen of Scots, James I, who was James VI of Scotland, and Robert the Bruce, who secured Scotland's independence from England.
Even her husband's title connects her to Scotland - the Duke of Edinburgh. On their marriage, Princess Elizabeth also became the Duchess of Edinburgh.
She is reportedly never happier than when she is at Balmoral where the royals spend their time riding, fishing or walking. It is her private home and was handed down to her through generations of royals.
It was bought for Queen Victoria by Prince Albert in 1852, but the original 15th century castle was thought too small, so Prince Albert built a new one.
Birkhall, the private residence of the Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall in Scotland, is a favourite hideaway for Charles and Camilla and on occasion for the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.


  1. It would have been it's a pity that queen Elisabeth II wouldn't have any more been the queen of their country. 60 years of reign so that a country leaves this beautiful union, it would have been historic !

  2. Hello I'm Bernabear's boyfriend! I think this blog is a good idea :)

    1. Welcome Benabear's boyfriend! And of course it's a good idea: it's mine!!!

  3. hello everybody i'm grecy's sister my name is benitha grecy told about this blog nice to met you members of blog... and good luck for ours

    grecy's sister

  4. I don't follow the information, so it's yes or no ?

    1. Scot said "no" to the referendum on the independence of their country (55,3% of "no")

    2. Hello, I'm Michael.J-King's brother and I think this blog is very well for the English learning, I had no this chance when I was at the high school !

  5. Everybody told about this news at the JT

  6. I think that the Queen is an symbol, If she dies, I don't see her soon make what she did
    Oton Tik

  7. The second image is so funny, they have pretty weird clothes...

