Monday 13 February 2012

Tattoos, by Ghost Wolf


Etymology : The word tattoo originates from the Tahitian "TA-TU" which itself derives from the phrase "TA-Atouas" composed of "TA" (drawing) and "Atouas" (spirit). Indeed, the natives marked their bodies and to conciliate the graces and favors the protection of their mind, their "guardian angel".

First apparition: In any case, certainly not in China as is a persistent legend, the Hindu legend of CYRROHEE and Bantas is mentioned. Ötzi: the Iceman
This frozen human was found in the Austrian Alps 5,300 years ago. This is the oldest known tattooed. He has 57 tattoos, some of which appear to be the treatment of arthritis in joints such as ankles, knees and lower back.

History: Closer to us and Europe, we find traces in Gaul, the ethnic groups "British" (CESAR note in "De Bello Gallica" that all the Britons stain the skin with a coloring matter of blue tint. ").
The Romans used tattoos to mark the mercenaries, slaves, criminals and heretics. So after the Battle of HASTINGS, mutilated and decapitated body of King ARNOLD could be identified by the word "EDITH" it was tattooed on his chest.

The early Christians of the East, and especially the Copts were tattooed symbols of their religion, this custom has also perpetuated a long time (until the twentieth century) among the pilgrims visiting Jerusalem.

In the Middle Ages, Rome banned tattooing.

Technical: Since 1891, when the first electric tattoo machine, tattoos are made in the West (at least by professionals) by means of this device working at a rate of 3000 to 5000 bites / min; the very fine needles (from 0 , 10 / 0.12 mm) are welded to a support rod attached to the machine.
 After the pattern is chosen, the tattooist makes a sanitization of the party to tattoo then reproduces the pattern is traced with a pencil freehand or using a layer transfer, the actual operation can begin.
The outline is pricked by a beam of one or three needles according to the desired fineness of the line, then he proceeds to shading (if applicable) and then fill in with color beams from June to August needle assemblies in "round "or" comb ".
Once finished, the tattoo is again cleaned with antiseptic and covered with a healing ointment and covered with a sterile non-adherent.
 Dressing should be renewed three times daily for 3 days.

                                                                                                                    By Ghost Wolf

Ok, Ghost Wolf, you really are a specialist!!! And you reader, do you have any interesting tatoos?
                                                                                                                    Mrs P.


  1. I find that some tatoos are very amazing but i'ts a big work to do that. I noticed that the persons being tattooed do not stop to the only one, it is a vicious circle!

  2. The drawings are beautiful and tatoo are very good on some people nana

  3. For me , before getting a tatoo we must reflect and be older ( 18 years or more) .
    Sometimes I find tatoo vulgar ..

  4. I want a tatoo but I don't know what. I think we need much thought to not regret after...

