Thursday 8 December 2016

Spice's superpower for one day...

Helooooo !

I'm back to answer Mrs P's question of the week:

If you had a superpower for one day, what would it be and what would you do with it ?

I had take a sit and think about it, the choice between all the superpowers out there was a very hard task !

 But If I had a superpower just for one day, I would chose to be a Time Master.

The power to control  time.

 Reverse it, fast forward or even pause it.

 An everyday situation that I'm just getting bored of I could just skip it!

 I would be able to take all my precious time in the morning and not always be in a rush. 

In a split second I would put time in slow motion.

If I didn't like my present I could go back to the past and start fresh. 


 But after all these incredible things I realised what I could do with my superpower and thought to my self theremust be con's to the power.

I believe in destiny and that everything happens for a reason. And making life too perfect isnt very spontanous and natural.

I think for a day it  would be fun but every single day it would live a life that would not be very real!

The power could be life changing. But is it worth it if your life's time  was controled ?

Spice !


  1. wow ! your reflexion about the inconvenients is very interesting ! i agrre with you with the fact that the life won't flow naturally... Yse

  2. Very very very cool article! Really! I love it ! Your reflexion about destiny and everything is awesome!

  3. It will be very cool to being able to make what we want of the time ! We can make and change many things ! Good article Spice !

  4. I didn't think to this power it's fantastic!!!! Spice danse and twerk on me ;)

  5. Really interesting article Spice. I think that all of your arguments are interesting and very good !


  6. It was an awesome article, Spice !
    I really liked the idea of controlling time, and the way you explained it was great.
    The conclusion was interesting, I thought about it too.
    See you soon ! -Pegasus

  7. You are right, it could be cool for one day but maybe not for every day. Good article =)
    - Chamallow

  8. That could be fun, nice article ;)

  9. Hi Spice^^ your article was really interesting, I liked your way of thinking about life and time, I share the feeling that everything happens for a reason and another possible drawback of this superpower is that you would have to be very careful not to change anything if you want to go in the past for example^^ long story short, I enjoyed reading your article, see you !^^

  10. I not an original power but it could be very cool, your right !

  11. It's not an original power but it could be very cool, you're right

  12. very good article, have the power to control the time could be amazing !

  13. REally interesting article Spice, and what a good description of your superpower


  14. Very nice article !Madridista

  15. It could be funny ;)


  16. I dont think to this power its very cool ! You are cool Spiiiice twerk on me baby
