Saturday 9 May 2015

PonPonPon's advice to newcomers...

Hello I'm PonPonPon and I'm going to give advice about High school.

       So I will not give advice about how to succeed in the studies because everybody knows that we are supposed to work, to do exercises and learn our lessons.
Of course we are going to High School to get graduated but for me the main thing that makes me do it every morning is my friends.

       Indeed they are probably the persons that make me laugh the more and who make me happy.
When I will think in the future about the years I spent there, I will think about my friends and all the things that we have done.

Thanks to High School I have met incredible persons for example my best friend who is so important for me. [And Mrs P.^^]

       So my main advice is... Just enjoy your years there.
Of course sometimes school is boring and  we would prefer to be at  home but honestly, you will get bored really fast alone at your place.

       But after when you will have to go to  college, your friends and you will go to different places and you will be separated from each other so just enjoy the most you can the High School years because you will be together.

       I think that you will have understood what I wanted to say, just enjoy the time that you spend with your friends during the High School and don't be stressed with all the exams !


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